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After 10 days, finally, King finally called all four for breakfast together with his other family members. King is not so happy with Jungkook's decision, he is pretty much aware that Jungkook is not responsible for it. They don't have options but accept it, anyhow Jungkook is a prince and an alpha who has a right to mate any number of omegas.

Maids did pretty much a job in preparing them in a presentable manner. The hickeys were hidden well under the clothes.

As soon as Jimin entered the hall his mother came and hugged him, telling him she was proud of him, she was so happy that his son now belonged to royalty but she missed seeing her son's smile didn't reach the eyes.

Jimin stood there awkwardly as still, Taehyung didn't come. He is not sure Taehyung will come too. Because the alpha didn't talk to him after their mating ceremony. He did send the omega therapist and his maids for Jimin's help. Jimin is uncertain about his condition, he is mated with Taehyung but he is someone assigned to assist his mate's brother. He doesn't know what happened with Prince Jungkook. He is worried about his best friends too.

Thanks to heaven Taehyung joined him before King and queen appeared. Because it's the first time for Jimin to stand in the same room as the Highness. He felt calm when Taehyung's scent hit his senses. Maybe this is what you call mate!? Jimin smiled.

Taehyung was greeted by Namjoon and Yoongi, he received the congratulations and he wondered can he smile genuinely from now on. How he will face Seokjin? Is Seokjin good? He wishes Seokjin didn't get his heat, though it's selfish of him. He convinced himself that it's okay sometimes to use the sovereignty he has, he is a prince and alpha he can have omegas. Yes, he will confess his feelings for Seokjin and will mate him once he presents and he will take care of Jimin too, he will fulfill his all needs as his alpha but his heart is only for Jin.

The intense scent made him come out of his thoughts, he turned to see Seokjin who was dressed in ocean blue, the layers of clothes folded and pinned neatly on the right side of his waist with a royal pin. His hair is not longer freely flying they are tied up and a hairpin is only for the use of princes and their mate is beautifully sitting on his head.

He has mild makeup on his face, his cheekbones are highlighted with rose leaves powder, moisturizer is applied on the lips, and some bracelets and rings add to his handsomeness. Taehyung knows Seok-jin is a beauty that doesn't need to be dolled up, but this dolled-up seokjin hits differently. He wants to caress those cheeks and hold those gentle hands.

A muscular body came and stood between him and Seokjin, blocking his view. He lifted his head to see it was his baby brother Jeon Jungkook who looked too different over some nights. As if he is meeting a new person.

Wait, why does Jungkook have a scent on him?? What's this sweet lavender scent?? Is he presented? Why seokjin is in a royal dress?

Taehyung didn't want to know anything further, so he left. He left the breakfast. Yes, it's disrespectful. Yes, he is punishable for that. But he fucking doesn't care. He is not ready to accept whatever shit happened.

" Alpha-"

Jimin doesn't know what he should do, should he leave? But the king and queen arrived and he wants to talk to Seokjin too. But...

" Jimin, go behind your alpha, he might need you. "

Jimin's mother pushed him to the door side, he quickly bowed at the King and Queen and other elders and took leave. He doesn't know if his mate will like him to go behind him or not, but what if he needs him so he can't take a risk?

Seokjin stood there looking at Taehyung who went without a word, he expected him to talk to him, at least ask how is he, after all, he was his good friend. He wishes he gets time to meet Jimin, but he wants to take leave too because he wants to search for Hoseok he sends a servant to look for Hoseok they tell him he is not been home for the last 5 days.

Soon his attention was drawn to Jungkook, his mate. Wa!! Look at him standing beside him without guilt.

Wait, what's that?? A mark on his neck?? It looks like nail marks, a wolf nail mark. He is sure he didn't leave any mark on him except the mating bite.

So he fucked some omega. !! Or omegas!?

" our Highness, we all pray for your long life "

Everyone took a seat including Seokjin who was feeling left out. Because it feels too open, like not a family but you are sitting in someone's function. He is not into this world. Maybe will never be.

" Namjoon the west coastal area conflicts have been taken care of!?"

" yes, your highness. The issue is cleared, the citizens in that area had been given the choice to choose where they want to live. Most of the people choose our province  and a peaceful bond has been made with the neighboring province "

" Good to hear. I want you to travel to the northeast for a ceremony conducted by the tribe people.  And I know you will make sure to impress them so that we can get their manual power source for the upcoming wars. "

" yes highness, and I request for you to consider Prince Taehyung's condition, he is not well. so he had to take leave soon. Hope he is forgiven "

" Are you talking as prince or brother, Namjoon?"

" A prince who failed to train him how to keep his emotions in check and also an elder brother who is concerned about his condition "

" Hmm, he is newly presented and mated, his emotions will be labile. Hope he soon adjusts to his new self, considering his sensitive self. And I am proud of his mate who did an excellent job at taking care of his alpha "

Jimin's parents beamed with happiness while Hoseok's father gritted his teeth.

" And also Jeon Jungkook, it was so unexpected you also presented at the same time as Taehyung. I hope whatever developments have happened will put a new shimmer on the throne. And I want you to be more responsible from now on and Seokjin I hope you will also do your job properly and this meeting is dismissed"

Seokjin didn't expect much from this meeting but still, all of them looked at Seokjin and Jimin as some workers. A job!!?? The king didn't even ask Seokjin or Jimin how their sons did the same fucking job!?

" I oblige you to ask where your son was for the whole two nights leaving behind his mate alone in the room, my Majesty"

The whole room filled with a  minute of silence, everyone took a double look at Seokjin, an omega even daring to talk in a meeting, in front of the Highness and what!? To complain about a prince? On an alpha? On his mate?


I am missing Seokjin so much, it's selfish of me but I am praying for him to do eat-jin. I am also someone who eats well whenever I watch Eat Jin. I hope people do understand that body-shaming is not fun. 😓

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