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Dear Kim Seok Jin,

Let's finally meet in the garden behind the palace on the northwest side tonight. Oh, it's a weakly guarded area in the palace you should look into that matter. And I know you have a thousand questions about this, but you should trust in your guts. Don't worry I am not here to kill you after all you are my betrothed.

Pure blood Alpha

~Kim Haneul

Seokjin re-read the letter as he stood near the place where this person asked him to be. Betrothed? Is he out of his mind? Seokjin can't help but crumple the paper in his fist, no it's not the time for him to act on his anger.

Whoever this person seems not afraid of death then he doesn't care about losing anything in this world This type of person is a little dangerous. He needs to deal with patience. He just hopes Jungkook won't come looking for him. He already convinced Jungkook about them sleeping in separately for 4 weeks.

He doesn't want to lie to his mate but he feels there is no choice left. If Jungkook sees this letter first thing he will do is drink this person's blood. He can't let it happen, he feels he might get into somewhere in this puzzle with this guy maybe later he will only shred this guy into pieces.

The wind is cold making Seokjin whimper, he forgets his body cover in a hurry to make it here on time. And this said person is nowhere to be seen. What if it's a trap? But who is trying to trap him within the palace? He is sure Queen Mother doesn't need to pull this card.

His thoughts were interrupted when a warm cloth spread over his back. The same scent hit his nerve endings. Seokjin went into defensive mode without a second thought making the man chuckle.

The person lifted his hood smiling at Seokjin. He is the same person from earlier, he saw him near the bridge. Who is he? Pure blood alpha?

" Hi, finally get to meet you in person after around 20 years, seokjin ah"

The man says looking at Seokjin with so much fondness.

"Who the hell are you? Do you have a death wish?"

" you are not going to kill me. I know you think you need me."

" You may never know I am thinking of hunting down some animals. I may hunt you down for this sin. "

The person smiles again as if he is so proud of Seokjin to hear him threatening his life.

"Who are you?"

" A member of your family. A pure blood alpha, Kim Haneul. "

Seokjin took a deep breath checking around them for any trap. Seokjin lost his temper hearing the same things again and again. The thousands of questions which doesn't have answers are surrounding this pure-blood clan.

" stop saying that. Will you? Everybody is saying pure blood omega, alpha...pure blood ...pure blood... what it is-"

Seokjin's senses got alerted in Mili seconds before he contemplated what was happening he could see the arrow splitting into two pieces in front of him. Who did that? What just happened?

" This is what pure blood means, Seokjin"

" what? Are you trying to attack me and save me at the same time ?"

The person shook his head while raising his hands in the air. His fingers moved magically and boom he was holding an arrow in his hand. How is that possible? He knows about magic. He heard few wolves can do magic, but...seeing....seeing it happening in front of him caught him off guard. Queen Mother also knows magic, maybe hers are too dangerous?

" It's you, who saved yourself, Sweetheart."

" stop...stop with those words, how can you talk to me so casually do you know who I am?.....wait did you tell me I saved myself?  am I the one who broke the arrows? "

" Exactly, our sweet pearl."

" I don't believe in you. I am just a wolf. I.... don't have negative magical power. Who are you? I... don't know any magic...if I had it in why do I never get to know? Is queen mother sent you here to trap me in some bullshit?"

" Is the baby in there?"

The man points at Seokjin's stomach, making him widen his eyes. His senses got alerted for sure but not scared but rage...rage at drinking these people's blood who even dared to look at his unborn child.

" You take one step and you will be dead in a second "

" watch out dear"

Soon that arrow got thrown into the air it took a turn on its own to move at insane speed towards a tree far from Seokjin but before he understood what this man trying to pull, the arrow turned its direction towards Seokjin when The man snapped the finger against the thumb. Seokjin doesn't understand where he got so much energy to fly in the air to cut that arrow into pieces with his bare hand. When he landed on the land he couldn't believe what just happened.

" It's called instinct, when it comes to our loved ones all our powers come out, seokjin"

"Who are you?"

Seokjin still shaking, how he could even fly into the sky to cut that arrow which moving at an insane speed? Noway it's normal for any wolves.

" I told you I am your family "

" I...I am tired of it. I am tired of the lies I am listening to. I am tired of that queen mother threatening me and my unborn every day. I am tired of reminding myself how undeserving I am for this throne not able to save this kingdom from her claws. If you are here to make some more play, please...leave the family out of your mouth. My family is far away from me. They all died because of her...now Jungkook is all I have so don't come and tell me you are my family. If you are then why did you come now?? all the While I grew up alone where were you?"

" Behind you, every day and every night"

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