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Seokjin gasps looking at Jungkook who is sitting on the bed anger evident on his face. No, he can't tell him anything. First, he needs to be sure about what's happening. It's all beyond their imagination.

" oh, finally you thought of coming back, Seokjin?"

" Jungkook "

"Should I first apologize for coming inside your chamber without permission? I am not allowed here, right? "

"Jungkook, what are you talking about?"

" That, my mate feeling uneasy to see me in his chambers. I am unwelcome here. Unwanted maybe? "

" Jungkook will you stop talking nonsense? "

Seokjin rushes to him and holds him as if his life depended on it.

" pretty nonsense isn't it? I am feeling unwanted and unwelcome, Seokjin. Your pheromones are telling me how much distressed you are right now. Can you tell me how I should feel about it? "

Seokjin shook his head not knowing how to explain his condition. There is no way Jungkook is unwanted in his life when Jungkook is all he wants in his life.

Will Jungkook look at him differently when he gets to know he belongs to another clan? How will he react to knowing all this happening because Seokjin has special abilities? Will Jungkook accept his family?

"Jungkook it's not like that...Its..."

" Do you even consider me as your alpha? "

"Jungkook, please don't do this. You are my alpha, my mate. "

"Then why am I not informed about your health?"


"Seokjin, I can feel you. I can sense changes in your body, I can pick your scent from miles away. I will know when something changes between us. Why are you trying to hide it from me?"

Does Jungkook get to know about Seokjin's pregnancy? But why can't Seokjin sense his body changes?

" Jungkook, it's not that I wanted to hide it from you. It's just I didn't know ...is it even - "

" seokjin you are pregnant. You are carrying my pup"

Seokjin takes a step back from Jungkook who pulls him back to his chest.

" Why it's distressing you? Don't you want our pup? Why do you have an alpha scent which is not mine? "

Is Jungkook doubting Seokjin? No, he can't believe it. His mate can get possessive and can get angry but not suspicious.

"Are you doubting me?"

" well, Seokjin you tell me what you will do in my position? We rushed into this game, and since then you have been avoiding me. You don't look at me not in public not in private, I am not welcomed in your chambers, you don't even let me touch you, you don't even think of sharing your burdens with me, you discuss things with Namjoon hyung but not me.

when you contacted the doctor you didn't feel the need to tell me anything, it's been weeks since I waited for you to talk to me first thinking you might have a reason but no, you thought it was okay to lie to me when I asked why you are looking pale or not eating properly.

You felt that going out to meet an unknown alpha in the middle of the night without your mate knowing is okay. Seokjin, do you even think about our pup? Anything could have happened there, he might have been someone Queen Mother sent. How could you put your life in danger and my pup's life too? "

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