Getting Punished (Lynn Michaels, aka Diamonelle)

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"Come on! Where could she be?!" A male voice muttered loudly to himself as he was swinging around New York. Spider-Man was in a hurry and there was no time to be losing any more time than the time he had already lost while trying to avoid Deadpool's presence. He sure as hell didn't want to deal with Wade at the moment. He had other things to do that were more important than to deal with the Merc with a Mouth.

In any case, Spider-Man, also known as Peter Parker in his civilian persona, was looking for a friend that he never would have thought to make. He was worried sick, swinging left and right as he needed to find the one he was looking for. She had a history of doing many things when she was angry, but with the latest news... He feared for her safety in trying to prove everything wrong.

Though that was not the case right now. He was looking for Lynn Michaels, better known as the vigilante Diamonelle. A former police officer who turned her life over vigilantism and the woman who was currently being blamed for the death of the one she loved, Frank Castle. It came to a shock to everyone that really knew her or at least the people that really knew her, mainly Peter, but the proof was there... or so it seems. Peter didn't believe in that bullshit for even one second and had started to make his own investigation. And while he had not gathered substantial evidence about who killed Castle, he already had enough evidence to show that it was not Lynn Michaels who killed the Punisher.

"She must be near..." Peter repeated the words over and over again. He had to try harder to let her know that she was innocent, though she should already know that. Peter knows how Lynn gets when she is put in a difficult situation. There was sure to be chaos all around her. So he needs to find her quickly before she does something that she really does regret. And there was only one place left in Peter's mind that she would be in New York, and he knew she was in New York since she was helping him with the Kingpin because Daredevil was dealing with something else at the moment.

Arriving at the Empire State Building while swinging in a rush, Peter managed to see the golden hair of Lynn Michaels flowing in waves thanks to the wind. He was happy that he was able to find her, she always loved high spots. It made her able to see the villains that she wanted to kill with her sniper rifle, but he knew that she would never kill Frank. She loved him so much that she let him go when she noticed that he didn't feel the same way.

"Lynn! Thanks god I-"

"Go away, Parker. You shouldn't be with someone like me..." Peter noticed the hurt in her voice and couldn't help but frown at that. Was she really believing that she killed Castle?! It was completely insane! Even more insane than Deadpool on a chimichanga rush! But it didn't convince Peter to let her wallow in her own pity. He had to save her from those emotions one way or another, and he might know how to do so.

"Lynn... Listen to me" Spider-Man took off his mask to reveal the dark brown hair underneath his mask and hazel eyes filled with worry. He wasn't giving her pity, the pity she was giving herself was enough. "You are innocent. I have found the proof of your innocence. With the help of Dr. Reed Richards, we both began to examine the rounds used to kill Frank. It was thanks to that investigation and coupled up with where the shots were done that we have concluded that it was not you. And this has the support of two of the judges in the jury" Peter explained himself, though he didn't receive any reaction from the woman who called herself Diamonelle. "You didn't have any control of what happened to him, Lynn... Frank was a friend to many, a brother to some, and while I know that you still hold feelings for him... but I think he wouldn't want you to suffer on his behalf"

Lynn Michaels stood there, nor reacting to Peter's explanation to make her realize that she was not to blame. She knew that she didn't do it, but to know for certain that she had people who went beyond to prove her innocence was very touching. But what struck her really hard was that she was not going to see him again. Sure many times in the past, heroes have returned from death as if it was another Monday, but how many months... years, would she have to wait so that she could see him again?

"It's hard... We were planning on giving ourselves a chance... And now..." Peter walked closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder, in a matter of comfort. He knew how hard this would be since he had suffered the same fate with his ex-fiancée, though it was way worse with her. At least Frank cared for Lynn, with Mary Jane... she had the gals to leave him waiting on the altar. He waited all day until late at night, when he finally realized that she was not going to arrive at their wedding. "He is gone..."

"You don't have to say anything else Lynn..." Peter whispered, making Diamonelle nod a bit. She needed this. Someone who was able to understand her fully with what was happening, someone who would support her all the way and believe in her even when the odds were against her. Peter Parker had done so much for her just by being with her during these dark times in her life. She wanted comfort... to feel safe. So it didn't come as a surprise to her, when she suddenly hugged Peter.

Peter was shocked because of the sudden hug. He didn't even know how to react to this. He had never seen her act this way, never even managing to see even the faintest of emotion in her eyes. But now it was like she was a completely different person and then he heard her sobs, probably because she was nearer to his ear. Her sobs weren't that loud so his senses wouldn't have made him recognize the sobs in the first place.

"Please... Just let me have this moment..." Peter sighed slightly before his face created a small smile which showed worry. He didn't hesitate to respond with a hug after those words though. He pulled her even closer to his body, resulting in her face on his shoulder instead of on his chest. He could feel the tears that were falling from her eyes on his shoulder but he didn't care. He was here to bring her the comfort that she needed, though he wouldn't go as far as to bed the woman just to make her feel happy. If both of them develop something more than friendship after this, then he would have to be very sure that he isn't some kind of rebound.

"I'll always be here for you, Lynn... Always" And they stayed there, sharing a single hug in the middle of the night atop of the Empire State Building. The wind bellowed once more, making Peter keep his stance against the slightly stronger wind that made contact with them. His only hope was that Peter was able to make Lynn happy by finding the one who really killed Frank Castle. To finally be able to move on and continue on with what Frank would have wanted her to do.

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