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I arrived at home and got changed and did my makeup.

Mason also came home and got ready.

"Ready to go?" I asked him and he nodded "u look so good" he said and kissed my forehead.

"Could say the same about you mr mount" I said.

He laughed and we went to his car.

We arrived at the restaurant and I didn't felt good I was so nervous.

"Come on babes u will love them especially my little niece" he said.

I sighed and we went into the restaurant masons family already sat on a table and we went up to them they all stood up.

"Hey I'm Debbie masons mom" masons mom said and hugged me "jasmine" his sister said and hugged me his brother shook my hand.

"Tony" masons dad said and hugged me.

"Uncle masey who is this?" A little girl on his arm asked and hided in his neck.

"Summer That's auntie Charlotte" he said and I smiled at her.

I sat down and mason sat down next to me with summer.

"Mason told us so much about you I hope he's treating you good" his mom said "he does" I laughed.

"He can be a asshole" his sister said and I laughed.

"I'm still here" he said.

"So your a therapeutic?" His dad asked "yes" I smiled "that's a good job I have so many respect from you" he said "it's hard but I love to talk to people so it's easy for me" I smiled.

I felt taps on my shoulder and saw summer "can we draw together?" She asked with her shy voice "course" I said "mummy where is my draw stuff?"

"Here" she said and handed it to summer.

summer sat on my lap and we drew together.

"what's your favourite colour?" Summer asked "hmmm I think blue" I said "like uncle maseys" she said "yes I know" I laughed.

"What can I bring u guys?" A waitress asked.

I saw her glance on mason and I think he did too because he grabbed after my hand.

I saw her rolling her eyes and then we all ordered.

Summer and u finished drawing and I went to toilet.

My phone rang and I answered the call "hey?" I asked "here's Jacob" a voice sighed.

"Hey Jacob u ok?" I asked "no I can't do this" he said "calm down Jacob and follow my breath" I said.

"3-2-1 breath" I said.

We did this a few times.

"And now you're trying to distract you ok?" I said "yes thank u" he said "ur welcome good night Jacob" I said and ended the call.

I went back on the table.

"U ok?" Mason asked "hm yea just a patient called me because he wanted to hurt himself" I said "you're a lifesaver" mason said and I smiled at him.

Our food arrived and we all talked and ate.

then I hugged all of them and summer didn't wanted to leave and hugged me.

"When will I see u again?" Summer asked "I don't know hopefully soon" i said and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Bye auntie char and uncle masey" she said and they left.

We also drove off.

"they love you" he said and I smiled at him.

"I love them too and summer is the cutest girl alive" I said.

"She is" mason laughed.

I grabbed his hand and he rested it on my leg.

We arrived at home and I got changed into a shirt from mason for bed.

I tooked my makeup off and mason came into the room.

"Did u see my phone?" He asked "no" I said.

He went downstairs and I searched for it upstairs.

"I found it" I shouted but mason probably didn't heard it.

I saw a text.


my heart dropped.

Mason came into the room and I handed him his phone and went back to the mirror to keep taking my makeup off.

i brushed my hair and layed down into the bed.

Mason sat on his phone and smiled "who are u texting?" I asked "just the boys" he said.

I hum and went on my phone.

masons whole family requested to follow me and I accepted all of them.

"I'm tired" I said and layed on masons chest.

He closed his phone and stroke trough my hairs.

"Good night my love" he said and kissed my forehead.

i Fell asleep on his chest.

but why did his ex texting him?

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