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after being lovesick for the last week I finnaly decided to clean my room up taking a long shower and I went downstairs.

I grabbed a smoothie and went to my car.

I drove to a hairdresser to change myself a little bit.

After the hairdresser I bought some new clothes and went back home with my 4 bags I walked into the house "she's alive" Ben said "omg ur hair" Mia said and I walked upstairs.

I put the new clothes into my closet and went back downstairs.

"I love ur new hair" Mia said and hugged me I smiled at her and sat down on the couch "so about a dog" Ben said and I looked up to him.

"maybe we're adopting a dog" Ben said and I jumped off "awh I'm happy for u both" I said and hugged both of them.

they laughed at me and I stood up.

i changed my pillow cases and did my laundry the whole day.

At 5 p.m I went to a gym to finnaly work out.

i worked out for two hours and went back home.

Mia and Ben layed on the couch and watched some Netflix I smiled at them and went upstairs.

I tooked a shower and went back downstairs into the kitchen to make myself some dinner.

Ben came into the kitchen "hey" he said "hey" I said "how are u?" He asked "good" I said and grabbed a plate.

"we're booking a vacation with some of the boys do u want to join?" Ben asked "course just tell me the costs and when I have to go upstairs" I said and he nodded.

I'm the next days I planed my graduation.

i was nervous because today is the day I'm finnaly done with university.

i curled my hair and the doorbell rang "BENNN PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR" I said but he didn't respond.

I sighed and went downstairs with holding my curl.

Mason stood there and I sighed "BEN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOURE NOT COMING DOWNSTAIRS NOW I WILL KILL U" I shouted and ben ran downstairs.

"OH MASON UM WAIT A MINUTE" ben said "come on come in I need to curl my hair" I said and mason laughed.

I went into my room and finished my makeup and hairs.

I went downstairs and my parents,ben,Mia and mason stood there and talked.

"Yea I'm leaving n-" before mason could end his sentence he looked up and down on me.

"Mom dad" I smiled and hugged my parents.

Mason left and we tooked pictures together.

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