𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

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in the next day I went out for lunch with Soph after my photoshoot, and went home to get ready for decs birthday party.

Mason came home and also got ready.

"ready to go?" Mason asked and I nodded.

I grabbed my prada bag , and mason grabbed my hand. We went to the car and drove off to the club.

we arrived and I gave Declan an hug, and his present from me, and mason before going to Lauren "hey babes" I said and gave her a hug "hey let's grab a drink" she said and I nodded.

we drank some drinks together and it was a good atmosphere in the club. The boys laughed together, and drank their drinks other people danced, and me and the girls drank drinks on the bar.

It was 12 p.m so we all went to dec and told him happy birthday we ate cake and I got tired so I sat down next to mason, and layed my head on his shoulder "hey you want to go home?" He asked me and I nodded.

We said our goodbyes and went home.

mason helped me getting changed, and layed me into our bed "good night babe" he said, and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Night" i whispered and felt asleep.

Mason and I were about to pack our suitcases for Miami, because we're flying tonight and I ran to the toilets and threw up "hey you're good?" Mason asked me "yea" I said and threw up again "open the door love" he said "I'm good mason leave" I said.

I brushed my teeth and went back to mason "hey you ok?" He asked, and I nodded "should we cancel the flights?" He asked me "mason just mine please...I'm not feeling good, you should have fun with your friends please go alone" I told him.

"But-" mason said "mason stop it you're going without me, and have the best time ever" I told him and gave him a kiss.

he sighed and kept packing his stuff while I watched Netflix, in our bedroom.

mason came into our room,and layed down next to me "I will miss u baby" he said and hugged me "I love uso much" I said and kissed his cheek.

I played with his hairs and we fell asleep.

At 3 a.m masons alarm rang "turn it off" I said, and pushed him away from me.

Mason stood up,and I kept sleeping he woke me up to say goodbye and left.

At 9 a.m I woke up and threw up again.

I went for a walk with simba and grabbed a coffe.

I called Sophia if she wants to come over, and she said yes.

Sophia and Balou arrived, and Sophia brought food with her "wait a minute I have to go to the toilet Soph" I said and ran upstairs.

I threw up again and Sophia came to me "hey u ok?" She asked me "yea" I said "hey shouldn't you be in Miami right now?" She asked "yea...but I felt sick the last days" I said "OMG ARE U PREGGO?" She squealed "what? No that can't be.." I said.

"Soph my period is 1 month to late" I said after a one minute silence "I'm buying a test now also if I should pack my things, because we're going to Dubai tomorrow" she said, and rushed out of the house.

10 minutes later she stood on the door, with some pregnancy tests "come on took one" she said, and I took the test.

we ate our food "can you look..." I asked her "yes" she smiled "You're preggo baby" she said and tears filled up in my eyes "but...I can't be pregnant" I said "you can baby" she said "no no no no no my model career and all the hate...what if mason doesn't want a baby?" I asked her and couldn't breath.

"Babe everything will be fine" she said and calmed me down "you will be the best mom ever, mason will be happy" she said and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"I wish I could stay here, but I need to go home and pack" she said and hugged me "have fun in Dubai" I told her "I will thank u baby" she said and left with balou.

I went into the bathroom, and looked into the mirror and saw a lil baby belly. that's why I thought I would be fat in the last time.

i stroke over it and called my doctor.

I drove to the doctor and he checked up at me "congrats youre in the 7th week mrs chilwell" he said and I sighed "I didn't knew that I was pregnant and drank alcohol is this bad?" I asked him scared "of course you shouldn't drink alcohol form now on but your baby is healthy really" he said.

i asked him some questions and went home I didn't knew what to do so I called Chris if we could go for a walk together because I need some fresh air and someone to talk and of course he said yes.

we went for a walk with simba and I told Chris that I was pregnant but started to cry so he wrapped his arms arround me "hey you're going to be a good mom" he said and kissed my forehead.

we kept walking for a little bit and he brought me home "good night" he said and smiled at me.

I sighed and went into my room.


so Chris was the reason you were sick?


Don't act dumb I saw the paparazzi pictures

Mason I only love you I just
needed someone to talk to

Then why don't you call me?

Because I can't mason you should enjoy your
life right now and I don't care if you believe
me or not I wish you a good vacation and
I love you good night.

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