𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓮

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I just spent the weeks alone at home, and just went out for walks or for grocery shopping.

I went on my phone, and saw that Sophia texted me


you ok?
I'm so sorry for you
he doesn't deserve you and
your baby

What do you mean?


I opened the link and saw this:


mason mount was spotted with another girl in Miami,Is he cheating on his girlfriend or are they over again?

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mason mount was spotted with another girl in Miami,
Is he cheating on his girlfriend or are they over again?

i closed my phone, and just starred on the wall. I stood up and went upstairs.

I packed all my stuff together, and went downstairs I grabbed simba and we drove to my parents house.

i cried the whole drive, and finnaly arrived at my parents house.

I didn't wanted to see mason and he's coming home today, so that's why I drove to them.

My mom opened the door and I fell into her arms "hey hun what's wrong?" She asked "ma-mason ch-cheated on me" I sobbed "hey hey hey stop crying!" She said, and whipped my tears away "DAREK" my mom shouted, and my dad came up to me "who broke my baby's heart?" He asked and kissed my forehead.

"bring her stuff into her room" my mom told him, and he did what she said. I went on the couch and cuddled with simba,while sobbing the whole time.

Masons pov:

I came home and simba and Charlotte wasn't there so I went upstairs and saw that charlottes whole stuff was gone fuck.

I called her but she didn't responded. I threw my phone against the wall,and shouted.

I watched tv and saw the picture of me and Amy fuck.

i texted char a hundred times but I think she blocked me. i sighed and called Kai.

"Kai can you ask Sophia we're char is?" I asked him "mason wtf you cheated on her, no" he said "but what if she's in danger...please tell Soph she should look up at her..." I said, and he sighed "she's safe" he told me and ended the call.

"I fucked up..I FUCKED UP" I shouted.

I went upstairs into the bathroom, and saw a pregnancy test which was positive...wait...she's pregnant? MASON WHAT HAVE U FUCKING DONE.

i was so mad at myself.

Charlottes pov
My mom, and I cuddled on the couch and I sobbed into her shirt.

"Hey Baby he doesn't deserve you" she said, and turned the tv on.

"Mason mount cheated on his girlfriend in Miami" the reporter said and I stood up and ran upstairs. I threw up fuck my baby, I should stop crying god damn.

I sighed, cleaned up and washed my face. I got changed and looked at my baby tummy "mommy loves u" I said and kissed my tummy. I went downstairs and saw Ben "char...?" He asked and I went to him "hey why you're crying?" He asked me "mason cheated on me" I sighed and he hugged me "I've missed you" he said "yea yea" I said and sat down.

I want hungry but I had to eat for MY baby.

i went into my bed, and fell asleep.

The next days I just spent at my parents house, and I also went to my granny's grave a few times and talked with her. I just wish, she would be here right now.


Good morning baby I hope you and
Mini you are ok I love u both hope
You're back soon x

I'm probably coming tomorrow bc I
Found a apartment but I need
somewhere to stay until I have
the furnitures

You can stay at ours and
ofc we will help you with eveything x

Love u x

More babes x

I went downstairs, and my parents ate breakfast "good morning" my mom said "mum and dad I need to talk with you guys" I sighed "what's wrong?" My mom asked "I'm pregnant" I sighed, and my eyes filled up with tears "will you keep the baby?" My mom asked "I need to" I sighed and she stood up "we'll be here for you" she said and kissed my forehead, my dad came up to me and hugged me very tight "I'm proud of you."

Ben came down "hey what's going on here" he asked "your sister is pregnant" my mom said and he nodded "but you won't keep the baby.. I mean mason cheated on you?" He asked me "I will keep the baby" I said "ok..." he said.

In the next morning, i drove home after a long drive.

I arrived at Kai's and Sophia. Sophia ran outside and ran into my arms "heyyyy my baby" she said, and gave me a kiss on my forehead "how's my lil one?" she asked "i don't know, but I need to go to the doctor later" I sighed and she nodded.

we went inside, and Kai gave me a long hug.

i talked with Sophia, about everything and she wanted to go with me to the doctor, so we left simba and balou alone at home.

"Mrs chilwell your baby is healthy" he said and I nodded.

"But you need to eat more, drink more, and sleep more mrs chilwell" he said, and I nodded "i wish you the best...here new scan pictures" he said "thank you" I said and we left.

we grabbed a drink on our way, to my new apartment and I got the keys.

"that worked fast" Sophia said, and I laughed.

We went back to her, and Kai's house and I went to sleep.

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