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in the next morning (in the Bahamas) we woke up and went to the breakfast buffet ate taking a shower.

then we went to the beach and there were little pigs and we went to them we were allowed to fed them and pick them up.

They gave me a baby pig and it was so cute "I want a pig" I said and mason chuckled.

We fed the pigs and swam with them together.

Mason picked me up, and we swam more into the water.

we spent the whole day on the beach with the pigs it was so beautiful fr.

Then we went back into our hotel room and got ready for dinner.

"Baby where is my Parfum?" I asked mason "in my suitcase" he said.

I grabbed my Parfum, and we went to the beach restaurant.

Charlotte via instagram story


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Masonmount reposted your story

In the next morning I woke up because of kisses on my neck I yawned, and turned arround "hey" I whispered and mason gave me a peek.

i ran into the bathroom, and threw up mason holded my hairs "u ok?" He asked "yea I guess so" I said and he wanted to peek my lips "are u dumb I just threw up" I said "I don't care" he said.

We both brushes our teeth and got ready for a massage.

We went to the spa and two womens brought us into a room with two lays.

We layed down and they started to massage us.

"is this comfortable mrs mount?" The women asked, and I heard masons chuckle because she called me mrs mount "yes thank u" I said.

after 2 hours of getting massaged and skincare we went out of the spa, and went to the beach.

Mason and I layed down on a lay and sunbathed.

"let's go into the sea mrs mount" he said and I rolled my eyes.

He grabbed my hand and we ran into the water.

we giggled and swam for a hour, then we went out and i read my book, while mason sat on his phone.

"I booked a candle light dinner tonight on the beach" mason said and I nodded.

"I'm grabbing some fruits I'm hungry" he said and stood up.

then he came back with a plate full with fruits and u stole him a watermelon "this was mine" he said "don't cry u still have two pieces" I said.

we went back to our hotelroom and got ready for the candle light dinner.

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