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The last days kai, and Sophia helped me a lot, to set up my new apartment and we finnaly finished everything and I can move in today.

I grabbed my last stuff ,and then Kai came into my room "I know you hate mason right now but can you please check up on him, to see if he's still alive because he ignores everyone" Kai said, and I sighed and nodded.

I drove to masons house, and rang the doorbell "mason it's me" I sighed, and searched for my key. I opened the door, and mason layed on the couch and the whole house was full with shards, alcohol, bottles and more.

"Mason" I said and mason woke up, he looked like shit.

"CHARLOTTE" he said, and wrapped his arms arround my neck "BABY I'M SO SORRY, I DIDNT KNEW YOU WERE PREGNANT AND I DONT KNOW WHY I-"

"Mason I'm just here to check up on you, leave it. I get it I couldn't give you what you wanted, i'm going to take care of our baby alone, but mason please stop staying here. clean your house, go to training and don't ruin your life" I told him with tears in my eyes.

"DONT LEAVE ME I LOVE YOU" He said "it's better for us three mason" I told him, and gave him a kiss "I love you too...focus on yourself" I told him, and left his house.

I sat in my car and whipped all my tears away. I never loved someone the way, that I love him.

I went to my Apartment, and started to unpack my clothes. The doorbell rang, and Sophia came in, with bags full with food and drinks and some other stuff.

"I'm organizing your fridgeee" she squealed and went into my kitchen. I chuckled, and kept decorating my bedroom and unpacking my clothes.

When was done, i  looked what Sophia did and she literally organized everything. "you're crazy" I laughed and she smiled proud at me.

I sat down on my couch with simba, and Sophia looked at us "how's lil one?" she asked "good" I smiled at her.

i stroke over my baby tummy and simba layed on my tummy.

i stroke over my baby tummy and simba layed on my tummy

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liked by Sophiaaemelia and 231 others



Dream team.

mi corazón 👼🏼

I'm going to be the best god father ever

Excuse me mrs we need to catch up tomorrow


Leo's getting a new bestie

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Thank u
He's back at training



Ur preggo?

Yes single mom because mason cheated
as always lol ;)

Baby we need to catch up soon can't
Wait for Leo's bestie x


So ur keeping the baby?


I'm always here for u love x

Love ya lots

I love u too

Chris pov

I texted Charlotte, and mason came up to me and punched me into my face "she's mine" he told me "wtf mason?" I asked him "BECAUSE OF YOU I CHEATED ON HER" he shouted at me "not mine problem" I said and grabbed my bag. I went to my car and drove home.

Masons pov

"Mason" Kai said "come on let's go" he said and I sighed I grabbed my bag and we went to his house.

"Soph I'm back" Kai Shouted and Sophia came down "why is he here?" She asked Kai "because he needs to live is life" Kai said, and we sat down on the couch and played fifa together "but kaiiii..." Sophia whispered "oh forgot sorry tell them, that they can't come" Kai said and Sophia gave me a death stare.

The doorbell rang, and Paula,Kennedy,Sasha and Charlotte came in.
Chars baby tummy looked so perfect...what have I done?

"Ey Bro come on let's go upstairs and play there" Kai said, and char smiled up at me.

Kai and I played fifa together, and I went to the toilets I heard voices from downstairs.

"Of course I still love him but it's better for both of us...and for the baby" I heard char saying.

I went downstairs and grabbed myself a drink and all the girls starred at me "what?" I asked "mason, wtf is wrong with your hairs?" Sasha asked "wanted to look like jack" i said, and she rolled her eyes.

I went back upstairs to kai.

Chars pov

After mason left back upstairs the girls all gave me a worried look "I'm okay, anyways I'm catching up with Chris now bye love u" I told them and left

I arrived at Chris house and he let me in and pulled me in a big hug "hey" he said and kissed my forehead "hey" I said and sat down on his couch "so how are u feeling?" He asked me "good" I said.

"How's the lil one?" He asked "good" I smiled "when do you know the gender?" He asked me "maybe next week" I said "omg, I want to come with you" he said "I don't want to know the gender. Sophia is planning a gender reveal party" I said "I don't care I want to support you" he said and I nodded.

We watched some tv, then we cooked together and ate dinner "I have to go now" I told Chris and he nodded "give simba a hug from me" he told me and I nodded.

Christian gave me a hug and a peek on my lips "sorry I wanted to give u a kiss on your cheek" he said "um...it's okay I guess" I said and left.

I drove home, and went for a walk with simba and we went to bed.

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