𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓷𝓮

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at 3 a.m I got a call I yawned, and accepted the call.

"Hello?..." I asked "I love you, and miss you soo much Charlotte" I heard mason saying "mason where are you?" I asked him "I don't know, at a club" he said "I love you" he said "and that baby is also my baby...I love you both" he said.

"Mason send me your location, and I'll pick you up" I sighed and ended the call, mason sent me the location, and I drove in my pjs to the club. I went Into the club, and saw mason "mase" I said and he went up to me and wrapped his arms arround me "yea come with me" I sighed and brought him into my car.

We drove home to mine, and I helped him upstairs into my apartment.

"Why do you live here?" He asked me "because u cheated on me, and I need somewhere to live" I said "I never wanted to cheat on you" he said "I love you" he said "I know" I said and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Good night mason" I said, and left him on my couch.

In the next morning the doorbell rang, and I went to the door "breakfasttt" Chris shouted "sssshhh" I said and mason came up to us "what is he doing here?" Chris asked "The question is what are You doing here?" Mason asked angry.

Mason ran up to him and wanted to punch him into the face but I grabbed his hand "MASON HEY LOVE LOOK AT ME" I yelled at him "hey it's okay..." I mumbled, and he went back inside.

"Chris leave thank you but I'm not hungry. I'll text you later" I told him, and he sighed and left.

"So you love him?" Mason asked me "no I only love u mason" I said "then come back to me. I promise it was just a kiss, and I just cheated because of Christian" he said "what has he to do with that?" I asked him "he send me a picture of you sleeping next to you he tries to split us up char..." he said, and I just looked at him.

"Why would he do that?" I asked him "BECAUSE HE LOVES U AND IS JELLY OF US" he yelled.

"He always was" he whispered and I went up to mason "Mason I didn't knew all of that..." I said "I love you Charlotte, and I never wanted to break your heart" "you're the girl I want to die with" he said.

I smiled at him, with tears in my eyes and he wrapped his arms arround me "I love you too" I sighed.

"I promise you this is forever" he said and pressed his lips on mine.

He picked me up, and we went into my bedroom

Yk what happened.

when we finished the doorbell rang mason grabbed his shorts and went to the door while I layed in my bed.

Masons pov

I opened the door and saw Sophia there "mason?" She asked "hey" I smiled at her "come in...um Charlotte is in her bed" I said, and scratched my neck "mase who's there?" char asked and came up with only my shirt on "oh Soph...wait a minute I get ready you can wait on the couch" she said and Soph sat down on the couch.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked her "no and I swear to god, if you break her heart again I will literally kill you this time" she warned me "anyways" I said and went into chars bedroom "you're leaving me?" I asked her "sorry baby" she said and went into the bathroom.

i sat on my phone, while Charlotte got ready "bye I love you" she said and gave me a kiss.

The girls left, and I went home and packed some clothes and my PlayStation.

Charlottes pov

Sophia and I went out for lunch ,and sat on the table and waited for our food "I miss sushi" I sighed and she laughed "so you're back together?" She sighed "yea he explained everything" I sighed "I hope he told you the truth" she said and I nodded.

We got our food, and drinks and ate together.

we went for a walk with balou and simba and I went home.

Mason was cooking and I went into the kitchen "hey" I said and kissed his cheek "hey" he said.

"How's my baby" he asked and pulled my shirt up, and kissed my tummy. I smiled at him and we ate together.

"Do you want to make it public?" Mason asked and I nodded "we have to" I sighed and he nodded.

"But not yet" I said "when things really work out again" I told mason, and he nodded.

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