Law hummed to himself once you closed the door behind you, ignoring the other two he exchanged the medical book he had in his hand for the diary he had been browsing a day ago. He was very wrong to think that it would be yours, that he would find typical nonsense about conflicts or crushes, but no, it turned out to be the journal of an old pirate who visited the entire Grand Line.
He refrained from reading the entries related to his pirate life, how funny was it to read the mysteries that he had yet to uncover? He omitted any information that could help him in his life as captain and focused on small entries that were about you, whoever this person was had a great appreciation for you even though he always described you as an annoying little brat. He was able to understand more of your point of view about 'helping everyone', he knew that he was not going to have problems with you, he could trust you minimally.
<< I think I'm going to kill that brat, she was trying to help me with a new engine and ended up setting a part of the house on fire for the fifth time in the week, but I couldn't get angry when I saw her big eyes like a puppy's, that unfortunate woman knows that I have a weakness and knows how to take advantage of it, I have taught her well! That she has softened me over time does not mean that I'm raising a useless person, my little girl will be a strong woman >>
Ah, is that why you insists so much that the house not be burned? He would be lying if he said he hadn't cracked a slight smile when reading more about some of your antics, like when you ran naked for not wanting to eat vegetables, like when you managed to keep your first experiment from exploding, or when you dislocated your right shoulder while getting into one fight with some bullies who were attacking a defenseless animal.
<< This damn lung cancer is slowly killing me, I don't want to have to tell the brat but... she's not silly either, my cough is getting worse and it is getting harder and harder to do some simple tasks, I don't want to imagine those damn eyes full of life and hope filled with tears or sadness, it breaks my heart that I have to die this way, but I have hopes placed in my legacy >>
He made a face when reading this little part, his mind drifted unintentionally to Cora-san, the pain of losing a loved one made his think that you had surely been alone for so long, taking into account another of the previous entries he had read.
<< I swear to God that I hate this town more and more, they are all so hypocritical, because of a battle several people have lost their lives, parents who have been left without children, children who have been left without parents, no one helps anyone and they avoid them like they have the plague. I still do not regret having saved that girl who asked a couple for help, if she had wandered for two more days she would have died of malnutrition >>
Before he could turn to another page, the book was snatched from his hands in an abrupt way, raising his eyes he met your gaze full of fury, it could be the first time you look at one of them like that, but that did not break the calm that Law maintained until you broke the silence with a yell.
"What do you think you're doing?! You can't just take someone else's stuff!"
You clenched your fists, holding the urge to hit him, stomping towards your desk to put the diary there, you bit your lip in frustration, you were in such a good mood for your advances and everything was ruined as soon as you got home, that diary was too important to you, the fact that just someone destroyed or damaged it caused you anguish. As all your positivity was drained, all your spirits went overboard along with your desire to have to be in the same space with three more people, you needed to reorder your thoughts.
"There is plenty of food, I will trust your skills as a cook for a day, I have to go again."
Without even being able to open their mouths you left, Luffy sighed discouraged because you would not make dinner, but he smiled putting one of your aprons to start looking for ingredients to cook with, he was quite unaware of what had happened, however Kid seemed to notice your exchange of glances, his brow furrowing at his supposed 'rival'.
"Fix it right now, go talk to her."
It was a demand that was not made with the most delicate tone, you could see that the redhead was also irritated by the situation, the least they needed now was to dispense with your help, although deep within him he was somewhat concerned about how you had reacted.
"I didn't think you would be the type of person who cares about other Eustass-ya."
Despite his calm facade, Law was restless, he expected you to get angry, yell —more— at him or throw some junk at him, he even expected a blow, but your behaviour did not enter his calculations, he did not measure well the importance of that object in your person, and he did not know what you could do. Why did he feel bad? It's not like he hasn't done worse, but seeing the sadness reflected in your eyes... hell, he supposed that that old man was right, your eyes could be your biggest point of attack.
"I mean it, if she is not here before midnight I'll kick your ass Trafalgar Law."
He growled rubbing his face, ignoring Kid's threats, he left the house with a cloud of thoughts, where the hell should he look for you? After all he practically did not know the area, since he had only been out a couple of times, you could be thousands of kilometers or even further. He walked through the forest that surrounded the area, trying to find clues about your whereabouts, without result the first minutes, then in the distance, he could notice some black smoke, getting a little closer and focusing his view he could see you sitting on the ground, on one of your sides you had your Waver, only it was broken, a part on fire along with your shoulder. The cause of the incident was that you lost control when you hit a tree while trying to wipe away the tears that did not let you see the road.
He swallowed, approaching silently, with each step he took his heart shrank a little more, he felt his beating stronger and stronger until he had to face you, he patted your shoulder to put out the fire, sitting next to you without saying a word. You stood still, waiting for an apology that wouldn't come, at least not for now.
"You know I'm a pirate, I wasn't going to ask permission to read one of your books."
"I know, but it still pisses me off." You didn't dare to look in his direction, expressing your discomfort openly "It's something very important to me... but I guess you already know."
"Yes, I am aware of it, if it consoles you, I did not harm it, I only read things about you."
"You know I didn't need to know that... better keep it to yourself, but the next time I see you with it, I will hit you so hard that I will leave you without inheritance."
You sighed heavily, crossing your arms, feeling how the atmosphere became less and less tense with the passing of the minutes and the silence that was not uncomfortable, rather reassuring, you understood that he was a pirate, they stole, they killed, they could do whatever they wanted you knew it from the first moment you let them step on your house, but you were still somewhat annoyed, you would not let it go so easily, you would already think of some small revenge.
"(Y / n)-ya..." a chill ran through your body when you felt his hands on your shoulders, his body leaned against yours, his breath brushing the back of your ear "I don't want to worry you but if you let those two idiots use your kitchen will definitely set your house on fire."

𝗚𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 & 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝘁𝘀 ┃One Piece [SLOW UPDATES?]
Fanfiction𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (mostly Law, Kid and Luffy) Where an enthusiastic innovative mechanic meets three pirates of the worst generation helping them to continue with their destiny, making her way through the hearts of more pirates...