19. Lost objects

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You grunted throwing another piece of metal to the ground, you had been swimming in your junk for hours without finding the components you wanted, it was frustrating so you decided to rest for a while, sinking into the sofa, closing your eyes and letting out a sigh.

About two weeks had passed since that trio left, you felt bored during the first days, a bit lonely too, but you immediately forced yourself to continue with your research and work, and you also had to keep those pirates at bay, no matter how many complaints they made, they did not have proof that you had let the ship go either, it was their mission to protect it once it was finished, which they did not do. Of course they looked for a confrontation from which they lost because you were not going to let yourself be intimidated so easily.

You got tired of doing nothing quickly, deciding to look again through your metal trash, it didn't take long to find an object belonging to someone who definitely shouldn't be here. It was a medium knife, more like a sizable dagger, in a green sheath just like the handle. How did this end up here in the first place?

Well you could certainly come to know, you were always scolding that guy for making your house so dirty, whenever he came back from doing god knows what he covered the whole floor with mud, not to mention the times he splashed everything while eating, not only because it was messy if not for falling asleep straight out of nowhere, causing bits of food to fly all over the place. You scolded him by throwing scrap metal at him, maybe in one of those exchanges he threw his knife at you ─obviously without drawing it─ and it ended up lost in one of the scrap piles.

Did that idiot not even realize that he lost it? You knew that sometimes he was a bit clueless but damn, it was clear that he depended little or not at all on sharp weapons to fight, at least he lived up to his name 'fire fist'. Thinking about it maybe you could visit him now that you had managed to create your plane, oh yes, you changed its name because flying-ship was very ugly. The new word came from an old book about ancient texts or languages ​​that were lost, the word was a characteristic of birds so it seemed appropriate.

"Well, it is decided!"

Of course you also upgraded the plane and made some trips to the nearby islands to see how durable it is, as long as you didn't run out of fuel your baby wouldn't need to leave the sky. So without wasting much more time you packed some things, food, some clean clothes and of course, your tools.

Once you got your precious out into the takeoff clearing, you sat back in your seat, removing your right boot from your secret pocket pulled out a small piece of paper with an 'A' painted on it, you smiled putting it on a small stand where it could be easily seen.

You had to improve your one-handed handling to be able to do two things at once, so you could drive and eat for example, or anything else that didn't require too much concentration or attention. Speaking of improvements, you had to think of some autopilot mode, going to the bathroom was going to be a problem, although the plane was going faster than a ship that doesn't mean you can't be stuck here for quite a few hours.

Something that happened some time later, you needed to go to the bathroom, luckily you found an island nearby so you had to land in a place that was flat and long enough, once you slid out, you threw a black cloth over your plane, achieving that it absorb the colors of the environment creating an "invisibility cloak", this was another of your recent inventions, it cost you sweat and tears after researching the chromatic range and the sun's rays, in addition to carefully observing the behavior of the change color in chameleons. Of course, that invisibility cloak only worked with objects that remained static.

"Maybe I could rest one day on this island."

You muttered entering what seemed to be the only bar in the area, you didn't know what the hell they were celebrating but they seemed quite animated with the celebration, all except a certain man who only looked from his seat with a solemn look at the redhead who danced passing his arms through the shoulders of his comrades.

You shrugged your shoulders taking a seat at the bar, right next to the black-haired guy who seemed to be suffering from stay there, you ordered something without alcohol, not wanting to deal with even the slightest hangover, you wanted to spend a day in the island and return to your quest.

You got lost in your thoughts turning the drink around in your dominant hand, only partially listening to the noises coming from the party, at a certain point you heard the murmur of something that caught your attention.

"Damn redhead, it's not enough for me to meet him here and he destroys my boat to drag me to this stupid party of his."

With the simple fact of hearing 'broken ship' your ears seemed to take on a life of their own, moving slightly towards the sound of that deep voice, you immediately came out of your thoughts, approaching your stool to the swordsman.

"Hey, I couldn't help but listen to you... and I don't know if you and that guy are friends or enemies, but I don't care, I can repair your boat!"

His golden eyes looked at you silently, judging you thoroughly without finding a reason why you would want to attack him, anyway, who the hell would want to attack a warlord? And who didn't know the red-haired yonko? were you blind?

"Who are you?"

"(Y / n) to the services of..."

"Mihawk, Dracule Mihawk."

He expected to see some hesitation in your eyes, terror or regret for having come across someone like him but he only received a smile followed by a handshake, it was strange, but the truth is that you were completely out of date, you didn't even look at the newspaper or wanted posters though you'd start doing it for your new friends.

Before either of you could follow the conversation, you were rudely interrupted by the loudest man in that bar, who approached the swordsman, putting his only arm around his shoulders.

"Oi Mihawk, who is this cute girl? I thought you weren't interested in this kind of thing."

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