"Is this my beloved damsel in distress, or perhaps an old hag in disguise to trick me? Only with a kiss of love and passion can be discovered, oh hell, what fate will await me?"
Even though the scene was meant to be dramatic, your tone was anything but, your voice was simple as you slurred some of the words due to your current state, Izo had lent you one of his kimonos, cherry red was painted in your lips accompanied with some blush and concealer for the skin. You knelt down holding Ace's hand, who almost ended up falling on top of you as he stumbled forward.
"I am a beautiful princess! Do I look like an old hag? I would never cheat on my future husband, how dare you think such a thing?"
He wasn't one hundred percent in his right mind either, his hair was in a little ponytail, his lips just like yours and with extra eyeshadow, not to mention his constant blinking due to the makeup embedded in his lashes.
You smiled at each other in the moonlight, oblivious to all the commotion around you, raised your hunched figure still with joined hands, almost making the two of you kiss the ground for the fifth time that night, you shared a giggle that little by little turned into small stifled laughter, when you stopped your hysteria of meaningless laughter you exchanged glances again in silence, you felt that your body moved only towards his, as well as the opposite, both seemed to begin to gravitate between each other, Ace bowed his head while you raised it slowly.
Marco watched the scene in silence, trying not to cry from laughter as he saw how you got closer and closer, knowing that nothing was going to end well that night, he could never have been more right when, just a few centimeters from you your lips met your leg decided to stop supporting your body, bending completely, making instead of meeting the boy's lips you meet his chest. You kissed his pectorals at the same time as he kissed your head due to inertia, but it wasn't awkward, at least not for now, you just shared a laugh again, causing your bodies to collapse once and for all, you ended up being a mess of tangled limbs, so affected by alcohol that you slept without giving it more importance.
Perhaps we need some context for this event, so back to this morning...
"I'm not going to drink, I feel horrible, really."
"Don't be boring! It's a party, you need to have a good time."
"I can have a good time without the need to get drunk."
You contradicted yourself at your expression of complete boredom, causing Ace to raise one of his eyebrows, he had already set himself a challenge for tonight, and he was going to get it no matter what. For once he thanked Shanks for showing up on the ship offering to celebrate any bullshit, Whitebeard accepted after playing tough a bit, but come on, wherever he could drink alcohol he was going to be without fail, his kids weren't going to deny a night out either still being intimidated by the other Yonko.
You were perfectly sane for most of the party, ate something, danced at Tacht's request because a dance wouldn't hurt anyone, talked to Marco for a while about random topics... among other things. Ace didn't show up until everyone was already in a questionable state, including him, he insisted and insisted that you need to drink something but you just refused over and over again, even hitting him for insisting.
He had no choice but to resort to 'dirty tricks' that is to say change your glass occasionally and ferment it so that it did not have such a bitter taste, did he feel bad at first? Yes, but he quickly got over it when you started laughing more than you should, your mere laughter made him smile like a fool and he didn't even know why.
At a certain point you were surreptitiously stealing other people's glasses so you could drink more alcohol, not giving a shit how you were doing, you danced more, you talked more, you could even tolerate a crushing hug from drunken Shanks.
The topic of how you came to almost kiss Ace while you were playing a romantic scene from a book was thanks to a certain person, one of the only sane people on the ship, without a doubt the one who was having the best time at the expense of the others, guess who was the mastermind behind your scene, oh yes, Marco enjoyed the scene to the fullest, he didn't regret having challenged you to do it because in your conditions it was worthy of a show. It was so good that he was able to capture a photo of the exact moment where you kissed, or at least, the attempt.
The party was not even at its best point and you were already asleep like logs, the doctor could only wait anxiously to the next day, he would be with a camera in hand to be able to remember the moment properly, there was no way he was going to miss your reactions, because yes, he intended to relate your embarrassing scene.
Oblivious to the noise of cheering or screaming, you and Ace snuggled closer together, seeking body warmth from the cool night sea breeze, despite being awkwardly tangled together he somehow managed to wrap one of his arms around you as you buried your head in his chest, if someone were reading your life they would think that you are addicted to men's titties, but nobody will ever know, right?
"I just hope they don't vomit on each other."
Tatch who was passing by on his way to his room due to his headache, also blamed on alcohol, threw a blanket at you which only made the rest of the night a constant tug of war to get more of it. Even sleeping you argued with Ace.

𝗚𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 & 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝘁𝘀 ┃One Piece [SLOW UPDATES?]
Fanfiction𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (mostly Law, Kid and Luffy) Where an enthusiastic innovative mechanic meets three pirates of the worst generation helping them to continue with their destiny, making her way through the hearts of more pirates...