36. New 'home'

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You sat in the corner of the small cell inside the ship, a grim expression on your face as you watched the earth grow farther away through the small circular window, and worst of all, your plane disappeared, which meant that Bonney really had done it.

You are not a believer, but you began to pray in all the languages you knew for your poor baby, letting a couple of dramatic tears slide down your cheek, your silent agony and heavy atmosphere caught Smoker's attention, who sat on a chair to watch you in case you tried to escape.

"It's not like you're a pirate that we're going to behead, we don't have greater evidence than rumors about you, you'll only be in prison for a couple of months to serve your sentence."

"That's not my problem..." your mood didn't change due to the marine's attempt to cheer you up, you let out a heavy sigh, looking sideways at the albino "anyway... I'd like to fix the permissions for have my legal store and this does not happen again."

"The process will have to wait until you complete your sentence, but you can always leave before the stipulated time if you have good behavior."

You sulked more in the corner, great, now you had to spend two months locked up with who knows what kind of criminals, you tried to keep your thoughts a bit positive, maybe you made some friends, considering that there will probably be more unfortunate people in your same situation, you could only pretend that you were on vacation, at least the food and the stay were free.

"Smoker, we have arrived."

You looked up when you heard a new voice, it was Tashigi the man's partner who opened your cell and escorted you out while he ordered the cadets to unload everything, you smiled to see how everyone ran desperate to complete their part of the work while you observed comfortably without doing anything.

"It's a shame to see young people like you get into the path of crime..."

Your mouth could have hit the ground if you were an animated caricature hearing that swordswoman's words, your steps stopping completely causing her to give a slight tug to the chain that was attached to your handcuffs.

"You... can you repeat that?"

Tashigi took it to mean that you had been offended by being called a criminal, after all there were hardly any testimonies about you doing vandalism beyond running from marines or selling things illegally, however your thoughts were focused on another part of her sentence.

"Is it a shame to see young people like you get into the path of crime?"

Her words came out of her mouth more slowly, as if she was also analyzing the sentence just like you, she turned to face you directly as she was walking in front of you, only to be met with a downcast look and again a couple of dramatic tears falling from your tear ducts.

"Young... like me... oh my I think I love you."


A bead of sweat rolled down Tashigi's forehead as she watched you kneel for her, as if you were going to declare your love or propose right there, tears streaming down your cheeks, not understanding at all that for once someone hadn't mistaken your age, or at least hadn't strayed far enough to call you old.

"Officer Tashigi, what the hell are you doing?"

"Oh Smoker- we just- we weren't-"

"It doesn't matter, stop acting silly and put her ass in one of the free cells."

Smoker pinched the bridge of his nose, ignoring his officer trying to explain the situation you had left her in, irritated by the unprofessional exchange, he gave you a light smack on the back of the neck to compose you, immediately your body stiffened and you stood up trying to hide the dye on your cheeks, embarrassing yourself was a bad habit lately, however the embarrassment did not prevent you from complaining about being interrupted in your stupidity.

"Men... they always ruin everything."

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing, I'll wait patiently behind the bars, Mr. Smokie."

He clicked his tongue, making a movement with his hand for Tashigi to move forward, the metal tinkling with the movement, forcing you forward, you took one last look at the ship before stepping onto dry land, silently following the girl, you observed everything, analyzing the environment carefully, you never know when you are going to need information about the place where you are going to be for approximately two months.

You crossed the lonely hall, memorizing the corridors you had traveled until you reached a cell, you could hear screams of all kinds coming from the corridors full of thugs you passed through and, luckily, you had been the only and last person to be captured in the area, apparently the other cells were full, so the only good thing about the day was that you weren't going to share the limited space with anyone other than your illuminating solitude.

"I hope your time here makes you reflect on your decisions and changes your life of crime."

"Of course..."

You partially ignored Tashigi, observing your new 'room' if it could even be called that, she left you alone, you shuddered when you touched the supposed bed, it was just a piece of wood leaning against the wall, held by a couple of chains, this wasn't going to help your back pain, but you could always improve your quality of life here if you get some of the tools they took from you earlier, you could build something more comfortable with the other three 'beds'.

You approached the bars, noticing how you were in the cell at the end of the hall, on the right side, so you only had cells in front and to the left, the prisoners there seemed to simply ignore you, their energy completely drained as if they didn't want to mix with the ilk of the place, perhaps thinking that you were somebody or dangerous, or that you were not worth their time. Fair enough, you didn't really feel like talking to anyone right now, but it looked like you weren't going to get the chance either when the emergency alarm began to blare loudly, followed by a flashing red light dimly illuminating the hallway.

You weren't sure, but you already had a slight idea of what was happening, although you couldn't do anything but sit and listen as some cells opened in the distance, guns ringing thanks to the echo and a lot of battle cries, not a single day of rest was apparently conceived for you.

Regardless, you've already made up your mind, choosing to establish this as a new 'temporary home'.

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