14. Injuries

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Although you had tripped or hit trees a few times already, this time it was much worse than a simple stumble, due to the adrenaline of not being caught next to your mood when you tripped you did not hear the rather unpleasant slight crunch that your ankle made, still wrapped in that excitement of the moment, your mind did not process what had just happened until you stumbled consecutively four times as soon as you put your foot on the ground. Breaking the bubble in which you were, the discomfort seemed to pass through your senses once and for all, you let out a hiss of pain taking your hand to the affected area, your eyes widened when you noticed a huge bulge in what should be your ankle.

You did not know where the boys were, but your priority for the moment would be to go home, surely if they were together or apart they were tired enough to go home alone. It was a bit of a hassle having to limp all over the forest, this made you stumble a lot more, which ruined the fun before. When you came home grumbling, you were surprised to see their state, in a certain way it made you thank you to see them like this and, although you tried to hold back your laughter, it did not last long.

"WUAHABAHABAHABA What happened to you? You are done shit."

You held your stomach noticing the frowns of two of them, you did not know why they were full of mud and soaked, the blood worried you in a way but when you noticed that they were superficial cuts you did not take much importance, it is not something to which they wouldn't have faced each other but you were curious to know how they ended up like this, Luffy's carefree laugh made you suspect that he was to blame.

"It occurred to a complete idiot that it would be a good idea to throw me down a fucking ravine."

"I was just reaching for you!"

"And in the process you dragged me with Eustass-ya to the ravine."

Your hand covered your mouth, containing more laughter the more they began to argue even deviating from the main topic, at this point you were crying with laughter, back in your bubble of good spirits you took a step to lean against the couch, only how you forgot the problem with your ankle a squeak of pain escaped your lips, as well as a groan as your face hit the ground. The muffled sound caused the discussion in the background to cease completely.

"(Y / n)!"

Luffy was the first to run to your side, being alarmed to see how the blood ran down your chin, you narrowed your eyes, licking your lip, noticing the characteristic metallic taste of blood, this was great, you had split your lip from the blow.

"Ha, speaking of who is made a shit huh?"

"Shut up Kid, I'll kick your ass."

"I'd like to see you trying."

He crossed his arms, turning to go to take a shower, hiding his genuine concern when noticing your ankle, Law also noticed that detail and immediately lifted you to take you to the sofa, followed by a Luffy clinging to your shoulders.

"(Y / n)-ya why didn't you tell me? I could have take care of you instead of arguing with those two."

"Eh..." your cheeks took on a pink tint as you scratched the back of your neck, avoiding his gaze "I didn't remember that I was hurt."

The doctor denied disapprovingly, making a quick check with his ability, he sighed in relief, not noticing how a knot had formed in the pit of his stomach when he saw you in that state, luckily there was nothing broken, it was just a mere sprain. You celebrated by patting next to Luffy even though you sent him to the shower once Kid came out, the least you wanted now was for him to lie down full of mud.

"(y / n)-ya... you are not allowed to work until further notice."

"AH!? Hey, hey you can't-"

He placed his index finger on your lip, which he had also treated and you had swollen, you complained about the contact causing him to recoil a bit.

"Doctor's orders, whether you like it or not you are going to stay here."

"But your ship-"

Again someone had to cut you off in the middle of your sentence, this time it was Kid, who slipped half naked by your side passing one of his arms casually around your shoulders.

"Shut up with that shit, I don't mind being here a few more days, the truth is that this is like a vacation."

"As much as it bothers me, I agree with Eustass-ya, it's pretty quiet here as long as the two idiots don't fight."

"But surely your friends are worried... It is not good to worry people who love you! Also, put on some clothes, Kid, for the love of God you don't have five!"

"My crew knows how to take care of themselves, they have the precise medical knowledge in case something happens."

"I don't have a crew of weaklings, they know how to take care of themselves, and I'll put my clothes on if I feel like it, or is it that you are nervous?"

He smirked, pushing your body against his bare chest, you squinted at his actions, not even caring about the closeness, which seemed to be irritating Law, however no one noticed. With the blank expression you brought your face even closer to his chest opening your mouth to take a bite of the pale skin, everything fell silent as you slowly walked away from the redhead.

"Did... did you just bite my chest?"

"Yeah, and I'll do it again if you don't wear a fucking shirt."

"Maybe I don't want to wear it..."

He used his arm again to get closer, you frowned preparing to give him a harder bite however just when you were about to do it Law changed your place right on his lap, then you bit the doctor's shoulder instead of the redhead's chest.

"Is someone jealous?"

"You better stop fooling around Eustass-ya, you look like a damn brat, stop bothering (Y / n)-ya, she needs to rest."

"And that's just what we were going to do."

Without time to react you were thrown on Kid's shoulder, a gasp of surprise escaped your lips at the sudden action, you looked at Law sitting in the same place with a visible grin, you murmured an apology for biting him, then before you could tell him nothing else you were thrown onto your mattress, immediately the redhead's large body positioned next to you, he left you with no escape when his arm ran over your back, for the third time that day he brought you closer to his body. Of course you were going to take another bite but when you heard the snoring you stopped, had he fallen asleep just by touching the pillow? Incredible.

"I didn't know you were going to sleep with us today (Y / n), good night!"

"I didn't know it either..." you murmured seeing how Luffy also fell asleep when touching the pillow, that should be considered a super power "good night, to you too Law."

He just watched in silence as you closed your eyes slowly, moving against Kid's body in search of warmth, Luffy opened like a starfish, hitting your face with his hand, which you bit as if you were a baby that had teeth were coming out. Man, you were adorable sometimes, he had a weakness for adorable things.

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