chapter 1

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Usually, on a gloomy day, people stay inside their homes to avoid the moist weather. Well, unless if it's either really important, or you're forced to go somewhere or you really just don't give two shits about the weather to go out, then, you do you I guess.

The light shower made a soft pitter-patter on her glass window, the rain was not stopping anytime soon but she needed to go out if she wanted to finish her project. 

She grabbed a simple jacket to protect her from the cold and an umbrella to keep her dry, then of course she needed her camera.

She wasn't staying out for too long, she just needs to take a few photos, and then she'll be done for today, she just needs to repeat it for the next few days until the year ends. I'm sure you're wondering what kind of project she's doing.

Well, it's quite simple. She just needs to take a photo of the same place at the same time until the year ends then compile it in a folder with a short essay on why you chose that place. 

Very simple. 

It was assigned to them by her senior on her first day of apprenticeship and she definitely knew then that she'll love the project, I mean, who doesn't like photography?

Probably boring people really.

Her camera hung by her neck with a strap, it lightly bounced on her stomach as she walked, while both hands were on her umbrella's handle. She live nearby her chosen spot so she didn't really need to use any type of transportation. 

You might think she lives near a very cool-looking place but no, she just chose a simple street that was lined on both sides with abandoned stores.

It was cool looking, especially with the light rain, the scene almost looked haunted. She positioned her camera at the same angle as her previous photos and took multiple shots. She had to check the previous photos to see if they were identical and retake some more when needed.

Then she suddenly wanted to capture the whole place from different perspectives just for fun to post on her story. And so her short adventure through the abandoned street started, she pointed her camera at every angle she find aesthetically pleasing. She wasn't that of an expert in photography but it was fun to pretend that you are.

She complimented herself as she looked through her camera's gallery. "I should be a professional at this point- damn I'm good at this" She really is not, well, she is. But not that good to be a professional.

Then our dear mc decided to video the experience, because, why not? She pretended to be a host in a supernatural documentary series as she recorded the haunted-looking place. 

"As you can see, this place is completely abandoned..." She spoke in a low tone voice to spice up the video. "As to why it was abandoned- no one knows."

Actually, everybody knows why it was abandoned. The owner of the land had a dispute with a corporation and died as the owner was about to sue the corporation, everybody believed that the corporation hired a hitman to kill the owner of the land because something deeper was going on or some shit, she doesn't know the other rumors but there was a lot.

And now the place was abandoned since the owner didn't have any children to inherit the land nor did the owner entrust the land with anybody, so now it was just abandoned. Some people in the morning would jog around or ride their bikes to exercise but other than that it was mostly abandoned. 

And no, this place isn't restricted, if the short story hadn't made that clear.

She laughed to herself for absolutely no reason, we do be like that sometimes, no judgment. Her laughter came to an abrupt stop when she heard a noise just nearby. 

She knows she shouldn't go near whatever caused that noise and just bolt the hell out of there but she suddenly had a white-people-in-horror-movies moment and decided to check it out because fuck it, she's bored and feeling fearless right now.

== Oh dear Y/n, what did you get yourself into this time? == 

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