chapter 19

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The two entered a coffee shop where they ordered a simple coffee and muffins to eat for breakfast. They were chatting about absolutely random shit they can think of.

"Did you receive the link I sent you last night?" She asked as she bit into her food. "Did you watch it?"

"Oh that, yeah" Rin nodded.

He remembered the events that happened last night. Rindou and his brother were dealing with some business when he received the message from Y/n.




Rindou stood just behind Ran who was interrogating a member of Bonten who they suspected was working with the authorities.

The sound of his phone notification cut through the air, Ran looked at him questioningly while Rindou only shook his head as if to say it's nothing important.

Ran then continued with his interrogation. Rin opened his phone to see that the message was from Y/n, he opened the link; it was a video of a dog on a trampoline.

"What the fuck.." He muttered to himself in confusion.

It was such a random message that he can't help but smile out of amusement, though he didn't notice it. But Ran had noticed his smile and asked what was wrong, Rindou only shook his head and answered that it was just a text from Y/n.

"What does it say?" Ran asked.

His younger brother only shrugged. "Nothing, just something stupid"

Ran narrowed his eyes and turned to the person he was interrogating, and without hesitation, he shot the man in the head.

"Was it necessary to kill him?" Rin asked as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

"No" Ran watched as the blood dripped down from the dead man's forehead. "I just felt like killing him"




Y/n was laughing as she played the video for the 12th time. Rindou doesn't get what she found so amusing in that video. It was just a dog flying off of a trampoline.

"It's funny!" She defended. "Come on, look" She was basically shoving her phone to his face.

He moved her hand away gently. "Y/n, no." He said. "There's nothing funny about an animal getting hurt"

She stopped laughing and her smile was replaced by a teasing grin. "Aww is win win wowied abowt ze puppee?" She teased but then deadpanned. "Bitch cut the shit, it was funny, and plus the dog was okay in the end" She rolled her eyes.

Oh, she was so cute.

"There you are" A voice caught their attention, the two turned to see Bonten's number 2. "Having fun eh win win?"

"Oh it's annoying fucker" She blurted out. "Sanju Harukiyo!"

The pink-haired man looked at her weirdly. "What?"

"What do you want now Sanzu?" Rindou looked at him nonchalantly.

Sanzu sat next to Y/n and crossed his legs. "Nothing" He then smiled at Rindou. "Hope I wasn't interrupting something" He sarcastically spoke.

Sanzu was sitting a little too close to Y/n in Rin's opinion.

"Y/n come on, you're gonna be late" Rin stood up and grabbed her by her wrist.

Y/n looked back at Sanzu. "What about him?" She asked Rin.

"Don't look at him" He demanded as they exited the coffee shop.

The girl watched Sanzu eat the remaining muffin before turning to look at Rindou who held no emotions. She got curious as to why he didn't want her to talk to Sanzu.




Since the company is basically owned by Bonten, Rindou had no problem entering the premises with Y/n. When they reached the floor where Y/n worked, they met with Kokonoi.

"There you are Miss L/n" Kokonoi smiled at the sight of Y/n. "And I see you're with Mr. Haitani"

"Good morning Sir" She bowed with a flustered smile. "Yes, Rin was the one who drove me here"

"Is that so?" He eyed the younger Haitani with a teasing smile. "Anyways, Miss L/n you may proceed to your station while I'll speak with Mr. Haitani for a bit"

"Of course, Sir" Y/n obeyed immediately. Rindou scoffed at her actions.

Kokonoi and Rindou entered an office. After a bit of silence, Kokonoi looked at him. "What exactly are you planning Rindou?"

"What do you mean?" Rindou watched Kokonoi's every move.

The silver-haired man smirked. "Oh, nothing" He looked at the wide windows. "It's just such a rare sight that you're not with Sanzu or your brother"

"I am allowed to have friends don't I?" Rindou retorted.

"Ah, friends?" Kokonoi turned to face Rindou with an amused expression. "You're just friends? Are you sure?"

"Yes, what more is there?" His lilac eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms.

"So..." Kokonoi trailed. "You won't mind if I mess around with her?" He watched Rindou's expression closely. "Maybe... fuck her?" Kokonoi smirked triumphantly as he noticed a change in Rindou's posture.

"You wouldn't" Rindou tried to stay still. "You haven't fucked a woman in your life, and plus why would you? Does it do you any benefit if you have sex with her?"

Kokonoi admits that Rindou was right, he in fact has not fucked any woman because he still hasn't moved on from a certain person. And Rindou was correct again, if Kokonoi were to have sex with Y/n, then what benefit does he has from it? Nothing. Maybe pleasure but still, nothing that relates to money. 

"Maybe there is" Kokonoi continued. "You wouldn't know my intentions or goal. So, Rindou, you wouldn't mind?"

Rindou took a deep breath and shifted his gaze. "Sure, whatever. Ask her." He answered. "I'm not Y/n to permit you to have sex with her"

He then walked out of the office to look for Y/n, he spotted her standing by the water dispenser and he went straight to her location. Y/n noticed him and smiled.

"Hey-" She dropped her smile. "Are you okay?"

He opened his mouth. No. "Yes," He answered. "I'm leaving now, text me when you're going home, and I'll drive you."

As he was about to leave she called him. Talk to me. "Drive safely" She waved.

Rindou nodded and entered the elevator. Meanwhile, Kokonoi watched the two from a distance.

== ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ==

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