chapter 6

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The day that everybody loathed came; Monday. And Y/n in particular, she had hated Monday in an understandable amount but now, I think it's her most hated day ever.

Well, Y/n was actually having a pretty good morning so far. She woke up early not feeling tired at all, she got to eat breakfast and even had the time to find a good outfit that was comfortable, pretty, and fit the dress code. 

Well, seeing her camera broken did make her stressed a bit but she decided not to dwell in it. The memory was fine so she was able to save her project and as for what camera she'll use; her iPad's camera. No one will know.

It was kinda weird how people have so many negative opinions about people who take photos with their iPad. Was she weird for using an iPad to take pictures of sceneries? Or maybe she was just overthinking it because of a video she saw on Instagram with a caption of "if you use your iPad for taking pictures, don't talk to me". Ever since then, she avoided using her iPad's camera in public.

Enough about that.

Y/n hummed a song as she walked out the elevator on her apartment building while twirling her motorcycle keys on her finger. As Y/n stepped out of their building, she saw men in suits and two cars parked in front, she brushed it off thinking that maybe it was the building owner coming to check if their building is still in one piece. Landowners do that, don't they?

And plus, she learned her lesson on avoiding potential hazards. rip camera.

Y/n was walking towards the parking lot, tossing her keys and catching it mindlessly. She really thought this day would be perfect. 

She tossed her keys again but got confused when nothing came back to her palm, roaming her eyes to the pavement, she caught glimpse of someone's shoes. 

The type of shoes you see businessmen wear.

Well, well, well, if it isn't the bitch that broke her camera. Haitani Ran. And of course his brother; Haitani Rindou just close behind. 

Ran dangled her keys in his right hand as she stared at him with an unamused look on her face. They stared at each other for about a few minutes before Y/n rolled her eyes at him and spoke.

"Give me back my keys" She demanded with a still face. "Or do you plan on breaking it as well?"

"How do you even break keys-" Rindou thought out loud.

Ran cut him off. "We are going to drive you to your destination for today" He informed with a smile. "And you can't say no, Akashi-san was the one who ordered it"

"As a matter of fact, I can say no." She faced him. "and I just did, now hand me my keys back" He proceeded to throw her keys and it fell down a drainage system, she cringed, disgusted about the act. "Dude-! What the fuck!"

"Come, you don't want to be late now do you?" Ran escorted her to the car subtle but forcefully with a smile on his face. "My men will take the keys back" He reassured her.

Y/n glanced at her back where he can see 3 men in suits opening a manhole. Now, remember when she said that she'll kill Ran when she sees him again? Well, She didn't have the conscience to kill someone but she can, however, kill him in her mind. Which she had done exactly 47 times at this point.

She stopped in her tracks. "How can I be sure I'll arrive at the company in one piece and this is not just a way to lead me in a secluded area for you to kill me" There was silence, too long of a silence. She felt a chill. "AHH-! STRANGER DANGER! STRANGEHMNGHH-!"

Ran had covered her mouth while trying to hold her still. Y/n continued to scream and thrash her limbs around while Ran held her as he smiled apologetically to the people walking by.

"Hello, Akashi-san. Help us" Rindou called Takeomi. "She's insane, like an animal gone savage, She just bit Ran- Oi, stop!"

Ran let out a pained groan. "What the fuck, did you just bite me?!"

"Yes! And I'd do it again-!' She tried to bite his arms. "Let me go!"




The three now sat silently in the back of the car. Ran frowning with a bandaged hand facing his left. Rindou is in between the two with messed up hair. And Y/n tapping her foot and humming along to the beat of the music on her AirPods.

As to what happened that led them to that situation, no one saw.

"I was once the ruler of Roppongi, I will not get dragged down like this-!" Ran begrudgingly whispered to himself.

Rindou lightly patted his older brother's back. "You'll get over it"

The car stopped and Y/n stepped out. "You better give me my keys before this day ends" She eyed Ran. Then she faced Rindou with a forced smile. "Hope you have a terrible day"

Once she had closed the door, Rindou whispered. "I hope she slips and dies"

"You'll get over it" Ran mocked his younger brother.




When she got to her floor, the other employees seemed to be in a different mood than usual. It's quiet, but not the type of quiet because they're busy, but the type of quiet because something bad happened. Y/n quickly approached her senior and asked about the heavy atmosphere.

 There she found out that the CEO of the company had been shot dead just a few days ago, the body was found in a dumpsite, gagged and tied up. And there were no leads on who killed their previous boss. Speaking of the previous boss, Y/n had never seen him once so she held no strong emotions about their death.

"So, if he's gone.." She whispered. "Who's going to lead the company-"

Just then a man with silver hair wearing fancy red-colored clothing and golden sandals walked in with men in suits following just behind him. Y/n would admit it straight to the man's face; he's goddamn beautiful. 

He has a tattoo printed on his scalp, his eyes were sharp, his skin looked so fair it was like porcelain, his posture was poised and regal, every movement he made was graceful, the way he talked was gentle yet full of authority, and his smile; not too wide, not too narrow, just... perfect.

"'re so beautiful.." It was her thought throughout the man's speech; that she already forgot what about.

The man stopped talking and looked in her direction. She stared back dazed, he smiled. "Why thank you, I'm flattered" He spoke softly with a smile. "But please, listen to my words. Yes?"

"Oh... Oh-!" She snapped out of her trance and bowed. "My deepest apologies" She cursed herself in her mind.

The man chuckled. "As I said- I will be handling this company from now on." He announced looking at everyone. "I will make sure this company will not fall." He bowed slightly. "I hope we'll be able to work together smoothly" He straightened his back once again. "You may continue with your work"

With that, the beautiful man left with his bodyguards. Y/n turned to her senior. "Wait, what did he mean by this company falling?"

"Seriously Y/n, were you really gawking on him the whole time?" Her senior smiled teasingly at her. "Apparently, the company was actually in deep debt... that's why the previous CEO was killed.." She whispered the last part.

Y/n did her best not to gasp and just nodded with furrowed brows and agape mouth. "Wait, last question. What's his name though? He didn't say it"

Her senior sighed. "He did say it, you were just so busy salivating because of his beauty" She teased. "He said his name is, Hajime Kokonoi."

== about the iPad thing, I really did see a post about it back then. Chile, anyways, so- == 

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