chapter 21

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A few days had passed. Mikey had called all the executives suddenly, making everyone nervous. Since something must've happened if their boss had called them all unexpectedly.

The chief members of Bonten sat quietly as they waited for Mikey to speak. While Mikey was eyeing each and every one of them.

He then placed a piece of paper on the table for everyone to see. And everyone recognizes it; the invitation letter that Y/n gave.

They looked at each other, each individual was obviously familiar with the letter. After a bit more silence, Mikey spoke.

"Well?" The silver-haired man spoke.

And on cue, everyone placed the same letter on the table. Once again, everyone looked at each other surprised.

"You got one too?" Rindou asked Ran who nodded.

"Y/n handed me that just two days ago when we coincidentally met" Ran explained. "How about you?"

No one knows Rindou goes to Y/n's apartment on a regular basis. "We crossed paths in the library" He lied.

Sanzu fanned himself using the letter. "I'm surprised when she handed me this when we met by that abandoned street yesterday"

"What were you doing there?" Takeomi asked but didn't expect an answer. "Well, she gave me this when I stopped by the convenience store she part-times at"

Everyone glanced at Kakucho. "Well, she's my childhood friend so we often meet. That's when she gave mine"

"There's no explanation needed with me" Kokonoi spoke. "I am her boss so we meet basically every day"

Sanzu looked at Mochizuki. "Hmm?"

Mochi sighed and pulled out the letter from her coat. "Yes, she gave me one too. She got guts to approach me when I was surrounded by my men"

"So you got one too..." Sanzu muttered. "For the first time, you weren't forgotten" He whispered before turning to his boss. "How did you get yours Mikey?"

"She called me" Mikey answered unbothered by the surprised looks of his subordinates. "She requested if we can meet and so we did and that's that"

"She has your number?" Kakucho asked out of shock.

Mikey took a bit out of his Dorayaki. "I gave it to her"

"Y/n asked for it and you gave it just like that?" It was Sanzu's turn to ask.

"No, she didn't ask, I gave it" He continued to eat. "Enough questions. So I expect you all had read your letters already."

"Pardon my rudeness" Kakucho spoke. "If you are holding this meeting to forbid us from going, I'm afraid I can't turn her down since she is technically my family and I already promised I'll go"

Everyone eyed the black-haired man. Then Rindou spoke. "Well, I'm on the same boat as Kakucho." He chimed in. "Since we are invited individually, I think we should decide for ourselves if we are going or not"

"You.." Mikey trailed as he took another bite. "Didn't let me finish. I never said I forbid it, I actually encourage you all to go"

"But Mikey-" Ran was about to say something but stopped. "Wait, really?"

Mikey nodded, everyone was stunned. For the first time ever since Kantou Manji Gang was created, Mikey was encouraging them to go to a party that isn't related to work. Or is it?

"Are you going as well?" The older Haitani asked.

Everyone anticipated Mikey's answer. "Yes," He replied. "I was personally invited, so why not"

Even though Takeomi wanted to go, there was still a problem. "Isn't it ironic for us to go?" He pointed out. "A bunch of criminals in a party full of government officials. Isn't it risky?"

some government officials are no different from criminals though...


"That's what makes it fun, isn't it" Mikey answered. "It's a party after all"

It's not that they were actually wanted per se, Yes, they do get suspected by the government but of course, they only get suspected and none of the police can actually confirm if they did the crime or not since Mikey made sure they work with no evidence left behind.

That's why they still haven't got arrested yet for all the crimes that they did. They create believable alibi with evidence and if things go south, they can always frame someone else.

They have the money, the wits, and connections, so there is no way people would dare to cross them.

Mikey stood and left. "Dismissed" He announced before exiting the door.




"So you and Y/n met, coincidentally?" Rindou asked his older brother as they walked the halls, side by side.

Ran glanced at him for a second as he continued to walk. "Yes, coincidentally. Is there a problem with that?"

Rindou eyed his brother carefully. "No, nothing. Just curious" He shrugged. "Where did you meet?"

"At the company where she worked" Ran explained.

"Why were you there?" Rindou asked.

Ran sighed. "Kokonoi and I were discussing some things"

"Really?" Rindou pushed the topic.

Ran got annoyed and stopped walking to face his younger brother. "What is the point of this conversation?" He snapped. "We just happen to meet and she gave me the letter and that's it."

"No need to get defensive" Rindou retorted. "I was just asking"

"You know, if you're jealous, just say it" Ran glared at him.

"Who said I was jealous?" Rindou glared back. "If anything, maybe you are the one who's jealous. That's right, you think I didn't notice?"

"Okay that's enough you two" Kokonoi butted in, he was behind the two and he needed to walk past but he can't since the brothers are too busy fighting. "Don't fight over a girl-"

"Says the man who wanted to fuck her" Rindou spat at him. "Don't play innocent"

"You want to fuck Y/n?" Takeomi looked behind him to join the conversation. He has his brows furrowed at the information he just heard, he was shocked and disappointed at the same time.

Kakucho then decided to chime in, he wasn't gonna let anyone talk about Y/n like she's some object. "Everybody shut your mouth-"

But he was cut off by Sanzu. "Not gonna lie, I'd fuck her too. Maybe Y/n can be my new bitch"

Kakucho didn't hesitate to punch Sanzu square in the face. "Don't you dare say her name."

Sanzu glared at kakucho as he pulled out a gun but was stopped by Takeomi. "Alright, that's enough. No guns."

"What the fuck is going on" Mochizuki muttered as he watched everyone argue.

Mikey was standing in the very front, he just watched everyone as they argued and tried to kill each other. He was honestly amused by everything. He had never seen his subordinates fight each other because of a girl.

Just then a phone rang and everyone stopped to look at Mikey who was looking at them with a bored expression. Mikey then realized it was his phone, he answered.

"Oh, Y/n" He greeted, and everyone listened. "Sure" He then hung up.

"Boss, where are you going?" Sanzu asked, he was still being held back by Takeomi. "Should I drive you?"

"No need" Mikey answered as he walked away.

== everybody's tired of each other's bullshit lol ==

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