chapter 3

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"Fucker-!" Y/n cut herself off then sighed in relief. "old man, you scared the shit out of me"

The man furrowed his brows. "The fuck you mean old man?" Akashi Takeomi was hurt, to say the least, he wasn't even 40 yet for goodness sake.

"It explains itself" She shrugged as she grabbed the items he usually buys. "You just look intimidating all the time" The oblivious girl chuckled.

Takeomi grumbled under his breath as he listened to the girl's words. She reminds him of his sister sometimes, not sure how though, his sister and Y/n did not look alike whatsoever. 

Maybe it was the bluntness, stubbornness, and how the two sometimes act like airheads. Takeomi was unfo- fortunate enough to meet our dear Y/n in the early year.




They met when Y/n was just starting out, Takeomi needed something to relieve his headache and stumbled upon a convenience store that was currently being managed by a very young lady- in his perspective. 

His head was pounding from accidentally eating one of his co-worker's shit-filled food and added to that is the stress he was experiencing from his line of work.

The lady previously mentioned was curious about the old man's current state. "Ayo, old man. You good?" She asked nonchalantly as she munched on chips at 2 in the morning.

He would've hit her if she wasn't young and a woman too. "No shit, I'm perfect.." Takeomi stumbled on his feet a little.

Despite her rude and unfiltered tongue, Y/n is actually kind and easily worries about others. "Are you drunk or high?" She asked while assisting the man to sit down. "Stay put"

Now just who was this pipsqueak to order him to stay put? Well, not that he was against it, he wanted to sit still too. 

She came back with a glass of water and medicine to help with headaches. "Give me one cigarette too" He ordered as he massaged his temples.

"That's really unhealthy you know" She lectured. "You're already old, you should try to take care of yourself" Now she wasn't insulting him, she was just genuinely worried- especially now with her grandma is in the hospital, seeing someone sick somehow reminded her of her grandma.

"Who you callin' old, you little punk" He glared at absolutely nobody, his vision was too blurry to focus. Takeomi then drank the medicine and there was silence for a moment. "Can you serve me some noodles too"




And after that they became friends, him treating her like a little sister, while she treats him like an older brother but she often calls him uncle just to annoy him.

She handed him a pack of cigarettes and a pack of gum. He took one out and she lit it up for him, the two see each other 2 days each week so it became an autopilot thing to them. He then would pay, stay for a while and then he would leave.

"See you next week old uncle-!" She shouted a goodbye as he flipped her off and exited the store.

Y/n would watch him either ride a very expensive-looking car or a badass-looking bike, she would often wonder what type of work the old man does to afford such luxuries and it made her curious as well as to why the man would go to a store like this. 

Don't get her wrong, it's not like she didn't want him as a customer, it's just most rich people would rather shop at far more expensive stores.

She was sure rich people smoke luxury brand cigarettes than what convenience store sells, but hey, she wouldn't know the difference, she hasn't tried smoking. 

And plus tobacco is tobacco no matter the brand. She shrugged at her own thoughts and decided to eat some skittles and chips to pass the time until a new customer arrives.

== Well, that's that. == 

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