chapter 16

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The silver-haired man smirked as he watched the older Haitani's expression change. Kokonoi had actually noticed something odd about Ran from the beginning, and by beginning, I meant when they met Y/n.

Ran is the type of person who won't do something if he really didn't want to do it, even if he's forced.

Remember when he was ordered by Mikey to keep an eye on Y/n?

Yeah, you know where I'm going.

He had repeated over and over again how he didn't want to be near the girl, let alone watch from a distance but when the next day came, he was the first to be up and ready for his assigned task.

Then he would say how much he hates going out to just watch some girl. The other executives just rolled their eyes whenever he starts talking since they know he'll go on and on about it.

Kokonoi had no idea what was going on inside Ran's mind, no one does, not even his younger brother. Kokonoi was actually confused as to why is Ran so eager to see her every day despite 'hating' the girl.

He then remembered the day when Y/n had slapped Ran.




After Takeomi had driven Y/n to her apartment, he made sure to scold the brothers when he got back. It was nightfall when Rindou, Ran and Takeomi got back to their headquarters from the abandoned street.

When they were back to their headquarters, Ran was obviously not in a good mood. I mean who wouldn't? He got slapped by a random girl and got punished by Takeomi.

"What happened to Ran?" Kokonoi asked when the three walked in.

No one answered Kokonoi since Takeomi was also in a bad mood. Ran and Takeomi just went straight to their own rooms without saying a word since if they were to look at each other for another minute, they will surely kill one another.

Kokonoi turned to Rindou who was already in the kitchen looking for food. The silver-haired man repeated his question.

To which Rindou replied. "Ran broke some girl's camera and Takeomi got mad" It was a vague explanation. Kokonoi was more confused than before and so Rindou explained further. There the other executives found out why Ran broke the camera and that Ran got slapped by the owner.




Now Kokonoi knows exactly what was going on, but he won't say anything yet. He was quite intrigued about what will happen next. "Anyways, I need to go now." He bid goodbye to Ran who was still watching his brother and Y/n have fun.

If what Kokonoi thinks was really going on, he just hopes the brothers won't be distracted. Oh, who was he kidding, something will happen and there was a low chance it was a good thing.

Kokonoi placed his sunglasses back and walked away from the ice rink, he can hear Y/n's laughter mixed with Rindou's scolds for her to be careful.

You think by now, the two surely had got the hang of skating. Not really.

Y/n wobbled and Rin watched worriedly, he didn't want her to crack her head open and stain the ice with her blood. "Don't let go of my hand-!"

"I'm not!" She really wasn't, her right hand was still intertwined with his left hand but he was just making sure she won't let go.

Despite holding tight for balance, they still fell and it was all because of some kid who accidentally bumped into Y/n. He tried to, once again, catch her but he fell too. He fell on his back while Y/n fell on top of him.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" She asked checking if Rin had hit his head. Thankfully he didn't.

Rin surprisingly laughed at their situation instead of being annoyed; like how he would usually be. "We look dumb"

She relaxed and stayed on top of him. "Yeah" She agreed with a sigh. "I think I'm done skating for today."

"What do you mean by 'for today' do you plan on doing this shit again?" He furrowed his brows, still smiling.

"Hey! It was actually fun" She retorted, he rolled his eyes though deep inside he agrees. "Anyways, want to get some donuts?"

"Yes." He answered with no hesitation.

They paused.

"So, uh, how do we stand again?"

== well isn't this fun ==

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