chapter 18

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"Where are you going this time?" Kakucho asked Rindou who was about to leave. "You've been out so frequently"

"Just out" He replied vaguely with a shrug.

And just like that, he was gone. Kakucho and the other executives looked at one another and they all looked at Ran at the same time. The older Haitani raised his brow confused as to why everyone was looking at him.

"What is up with your brother?" Sanzu asked as he played with a pill between his fingers. "I mean, he's been acting weird so I'm kinda curious"

"When Sanzu says Rin's been acting weird, you'll definitely know it's weird" Takeomi commented.

Sanzu looked at his older brother. "huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Sanzu's right, surprisingly" Kakucho chimed in. "Rindou don't usually go out, especially without you"

Ran shrugged even though he knows exactly why. Kokonoi eyed him but said nothing and just listened to the conversation.

"Well, that's new" Takeomi spoke. "You usually know"

And then Ran stood abruptly. "Well I don't know, okay?" He then walked off.

Kokonoi sighed and sipped his tea.

"What do you think it is?" Kakucho asked. "Did they fight?"

"Maybe?" Takeomi shrugged.

A chuckle cut through their conversation, it was Kokonoi. "You all are so dumb" He commented.

"The fuck you saying?" Sanzu didn't like criticism, especially about his intelligence.

Takeomi got curious. "What do you think it is then?"

"Not what, more like who" Kokonoi hinted.

"I'm not following," Sanzu said as he swallowed the pill.

Kokonoi rolled his eyes. "Y/n" He finally said it straight.




Meanwhile, Rindou had just stopped by Y/n's apartment. He waited by the entrance since he's driving her to her work that day. And just in time, Y/n stepped out of the elevator and exited the building.

"Did you wait long?" She asked as she entered the front seat, he shook his head no. "Alright, have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"Did you?" He reflected the question. She smiled and shook her head no. "Okay, let's stop by a coffee shop. It's still early anyways. Put on your seatbelt"

They enjoyed the silence between them, it was the total opposite of when they first sat next to each other in a car. Back then, the silence was really awkward and uncomfortable to the point that they even have to control their breathing.

Their silence was suddenly interrupted by a ding from someone's phone. Y/n checked her phone if it was hers but It was Rindou's, she glanced at the screen and it only showed the person who texted not the actual text.

She then looked at him. "It's yours" She spoke as she turned off her phone. Then another text came and then another. "You're not gonna look at that? It seems urgent"

"No, I'm sure it's just my brother" He answered, his eyes still focused on the road. "Don't pay attention to it"

"But it says it's from someone named..." She tried to read the name when another text popped up. "annoying fucker...?"

"Oh, yeah, nothing important" Rindou muttered, still unbothered. "If you're curious who it is, it's my co-worker, the pink-haired one"

"Sanju Harukiyo?" She guessed. "Is that his name?"

"Close I guess" He smiled, Rin found it interesting how Y/n can remember images well but can't recall names easily. "He's the bane of my existence, I'd kill him if I can" 

"Maybe he just wants your attention" She raised her brows teasingly. "Ya know"

A shiver ran up his spine, oh hell no. "Why are you always like this?" He gave her an unpleasant look. "First you thought Takeomi and Kokonoi were together now you're making up theories about me and that-" He almost said drug addict. "annoying shit"

She only grinned a shit-eating grin.

"Stop that" He glared at her making the girl laugh.

"How could I not suspect you two are something else?" She retorted. "He basically calls you all the time, asking where you are and even texts you a lot, something's fruity in here"

"Y/n, no."




"He's not answering my texts and all calls go directly to voice message" Kakucho said as he called Rin again.

Sanzu who was laying upside down on the couch spoke. "Do you think they're fucking right now?"

"I doubt it" Takeomi answered as he lit up a cigarette. "Y/n would break him if he tries anything"

"I doubt Y/n's gonna be against it though" Kakucho muttered to himself, knowing his childhood best friend, Y/n will surely be the first to initiate anything.

"Why are you all so worked up about him hanging out with a girl?" Kokonoi sighed. "Rindou's not a little kid to be checked up on every minute"

"Well, that Y/n girl is the general's daughter which means she's basically the enemy" Sanzu commented as he ate another pill. "What if he's secretly leaking our information to her?"

"Do you really think Rin's like that?" Kokonoi crossed his legs. "Honestly Sanzu, you've worked with him the longest, you should know him better than any of us"

"He's really not answering" Kakucho was starting to give up. "You said he'll pick up if Sanzu called"

Takeomi shrugged. "He always did, but I guess he's doesn't anymore"

"Ah whatever, I'll come find him myself" Sanzu fell from the couch and stood as if nothing happened, he walked out of the room, and then he was gone.

"Are we really letting him out like that?" Kakucho asked worriedly.

"I'm sure he'll be fine" Takeomi puffed some smoke.

Kokonoi sighed. "Kakucho's not worried about him, he's worried about the civilians"


== oh indeed == 

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