chapter 26

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The party was flowing smoothly, nothing was happening, yet.

Y/n would often glance at the table where Bonten sat, making sure they were all still seated. Then she would glance at Naoto who was also watching Bonten's movements.

Every guest was enjoying themselves. They conversed with each other, some talked about their families, current problems with society, business, money, and so on.

The younger guest would run around and play tag with each other. It was all normal, which made Y/n more nervous. It was the calm before the storm.

"You seem tense"

She flinched when someone suddenly spoke to her. She was sitting on her own since her mother was talking with her friends and her father was doing the same.

Y/n turned to her left. It was Kakucho who spoke, he was sitting where her father used to sit.

"Do I?" She asked sweat dropping.

Kakucho faced her. "Yeah" He answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "You kept looking around you as if you're anticipating an attack"

"Maybe I'm just nervous, I can't see their faces" She half lied.

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" He inquired. "Like, you'll be more nervous when you can see their faces?"

"I'd rather see their expressions, that way I can tell if I can speak further" She answered.

"Then why did you make the party a masquerade then?" Kakucho asked. "The invitation said nothing about this party being a masquerade"

"It was my mother's last-minute idea" Y/n answered truthfully. "I guess it's part of the special event she's saying earlier"

"Hmm, probably" He hummed. "You really don't look well, do you want to step out for a bit?"

"Yes, that would be great" She answered almost immediately.

The two stood up and walked directly out towards the balcony. Luckily there was no one else occupying the space.

She leaned forward on the stone railing as she breathed in the night air. Kakucho stood beside her and leaned with his back. He removed his mask and heaved.

Y/n rested her elbows on the railing and removed her mask as well. "This mask is making my face itchy"




"Where did Kakucho go?" Takeomi asked when he noticed the male wasn't standing beside him.

"Maybe he took a shit or something" Sanzu commented. "I think he ate cheese..?"

"Huh?" Rindou looked at Sanzu weirdly. "What do you mean? Is the cheese..poisoned..!?" He whisper-shouted. 

"Wasn't Kaku, like lambosse intangible?" Sanzu scrunched his nose.

Rindou smacked him in the head. "Stupid, it's fructose importance"

Kokonoi was losing brain cells the longer he listened. "I'm going to stay a hundred feet away from those two, I'm afraid I'll lose my sanity if I stay longer"

"Kakucho isn't Lactose Intolerant" Takeomi answered, somebody, give the poor man a break.

"Should we look for him? Rindou asked. "Maybe he got lost..?" His tone was like a little kid's when telling a horror story.

"He's a grown man, I'm sure he can find his way back" Ran chimed in as he swirled his glass. "Is there booze in here?"

"I'm sure there isn't, if there was, those kids must be wasted by now" Takeomi answered, referring to the young guests.

Sanzu then giggled.

Then Rindou followed. "Why are we laughing..?" He asked as he giggled for no reason.

Ran then glared at Sanzu, realizing something. "What the fuck Sanzu, did you drug him?" He whispered the last part.

Sanzu only laughed more.

"You fucking piece of shit" Ran cursed at the pink-haired man before grabbing Rindou in the arm and pulling him into the bathroom.

"Sanzu" Mikey finally spoke after being quiet for the entire time.

The said man flinched and cautiously spoke. "Yes..? Boss?"

"Can you grab me more of those little sandwiches" Mikey ordered as he ate.

"O-of course.." Sanzu let out a relieved breath as he stood.




"Sweetheart there you are" Y/n turned to face her father who walked to the balcony. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just taking a breather" She answered before introducing Kakucho. "Father, this is Kakucho Hitto. My best friend. He lived in the orphanage that you and mother funded."

"I see" Her father smiled eagerly. "Nice to meet you, young man, though I'm sure we've met before, forgive my poor memory"

"It's not a problem at all General L/n" Kakucho casually conversed. "It is an honor to be invited here"

"Sheesh... so formal" Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Anyways, why were you looking for me dad?"

"I was just going to tell you that the fireworks will start soon" Her father informed. "Well, now that I said what I needed to say. I will take my leave."

They smiled at each other before her father left them alone.

"Your father will forever intimidate me.." Kakucho breathed out. "Even back then I was so nervous around him"

Y/n laughed. "I remember the first time you met him and you almost fainted when he talked to you"

"Shut up" Kakucho glared at her, which only made her laugh more.

"Sounds like you two are having too much fun" Kokonoi joined them.

Y/n stopped laughing and poised herself. "Sir Kokonoi" She almost stuttered.

It was Kakucho's turn to laugh at Y/n's awkwardness with Kokonoi. "Y/n don't forget to breathe yeah?"

She glared at Kakucho and smacked his shoulder. "I'm breathing well, thank you for reminding" She sarcastically remarked.

Kokonoi laughed lightly at the two. "You two remind me of children fighting," He said. "It's cute" Kokonoi teased as he looked at Y/n directly in the eyes.

The two stared at each other, she couldn't look away as if Kokonoi had trapped her gaze to only look at him.

Y/n blushed while Kakucho only rolled his eyes. "Ahem? I'm still here?" He snapped his fingers in front of Y/n's face.

She blinked and averted her gaze. Kakucho then spoke. "What're you doing out here?"

Kokonoi's expression then gloomed. "Sanzu" He answered and Kakucho understood immediately. "I hope I'm not intruding, I needed to save myself from Sanzu's stupidity"

Kakucho shrugged, he didn't mind.

"You can stay as long as you want" Y/n replied with a light blush.

"Thanks, sweetheart" Kokonoi winked at the girl.

On second thought, Kakucho preferred if Kokonoi leaves. 

==  kokonoi <3 ==

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