chapter 31

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Time froze for Mikey, he was sure he'll no longer feel anything if someone died. But now his mind went blank, he couldn't breathe right, it was as if the air was choking him.

No. This was just happening in his head. Yes, this is just a bad dream. And he's gonna wake up later and everything will be back to normal.





Sanzu had killed a lot of people and he also witnessed many deaths, so why does this affect him? What was different? Why does he feel so mad?

His ears were ringing, his thoughts were screaming at him to kill M/n. His hand was itching to shoot everyone in the garden, to torture everyone, to make them plead for their life.





Blood, that was all Takeomi saw. It stained the step stones and grass. He might be hallucinating, what if it's just tomato sauce? What if it was just juice?

His eyes looked at Y/n's mother who fired the gun. Did she really fire it? Maybe she missed like Y/n? She missed... right?





Acceptance was bullshit when death is involved. No one really accepts the death of someone. We just learn to cope with it.

There was a certain bitterness in the scene he witnessed that Ran just couldn't pinpoint. Was it sadness? Anger? desperation? Hopelessness? or grief? He couldn't tell but all he knew is it hurts.




Kakucho stared at Y/n.

The blood in his chest wasn't his.

"Y/N-!" Rindou screamed his lungs out in desperation as he struggled to move. "NO! Let me go!"

The men pushed him down with his cheek on the ground. "Y/N!" His voice began to break as he kept on screaming her name.

Y/n looked down at her chest, something felt warm.


Her chest was bleeding from being shot by none other than her mother. L/n M/n.

It was like Deja Vu to Kakucho, but this time he was in Izana's position. A tear fell from his eye as he watched her blood drain out.

Maybe it was adrenaline but she felt no pain at all, but it did feel hot to where she was shot. It felt almost like being burned by hot sugar but worst.

"Y-y/n!" Kakucho caught her as she lost the strength to stand. He can feel the warm blood flow out of her gunshot wound and her body slowly going cold.

"Call the fucking ambulance!" Rindou panicked and screamed "Goddammit! Get help!"

"...Kaku.." Y/n called as she tried to breathe. "I don't want to die..."

"I know, I- I know..." He was choking out his sobs. "Everything's going to be okay, so hang on alright..?"

Now, he wasn't sure if he was saying it to her or to himself. He held her tight as if it would help keep her alive for much longer.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Kaku..." Her tears soon mixed with her blood on the grass. "..please forgive me... i -I'm so..rry.."

"No, no.. Y/n..." His heart we're beating too hard. "save your energy, stay awake for me okay?"

"..please.. i- I don't want to..go yet.." Her voice got weaker. "please... save me.."

"Y/n..?" His voice broke.

There was silence.

It was so unfair.

It was so damn unfair.

"Even on her dying breath, all she can say is such pathetic words" Her mother scowled. "But I guess I should thank her for gathering you all here"

"I've been tracking you all down, but I guess you found me out since you've killed one of my men" M/n continued to speak. "Who knew that my darling daughter was the one that could do the job? Well it might all be coincidental but I don't care anymore, you're all here in my territory"

"Now. You." M/n pointed her gun at Kakucho's head. "You like her don't you? Well, I think you all like her." She looked at everyone. "Don't worry, you'll be with her soon enough"

Another shot was fired.





M/n dropped her gun when someone shot her hand. She screamed in pain and anger and looked at whoever shot her.

It was Y/n's father who held the gun as he limped. His head was bleeding. "Arrest that woman" He ordered.

Naoto was beside him, just as beaten and bruised. "You heard the general, arrest her"

"Imbeciles! How did they escape?! Argh! I knew I should've killed you!" M/n shouted as police officers grabbed her. "No! Let me go! It wasn't my fault! I was just helping my daughter! NO!"

She continued to shout and scream as she was pulled away. The rest of her men were arrested as well, turns out M/n was a leader of another gang.

M/n married the general for leverage and so that she can't be caught, after all, the best spot to hide is in plain sight.

She has been trying to get rid of Bonten since they took her gang's position on the top. But Bonten always gets away.

So when Y/n accidentally told her about what she witnessed, M/n knew she can use that opportunity to finally be back on top again, even if it means killing her own daughter.




"Where's Y/n..?" Naoto was the first to notice.

No one replied to his question, he glanced at Bonten's faces. Something wasn't right and he felt sick to his stomach.

F/n heard Naoto's question and he looked around and saw Kakucho holding Y/n.

"...what happened to my daughter..?"

== ... ==

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