chapter 27

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The three of them talked and laughed together, it was a surprise to her how Kokonoi was actually easy to talk to.

Well, almost easy, she still feels flustered whenever he looks her directly in the eyes. But I mean, who wouldn't?

"I think I drank too much juice" She mumbled. "Please excuse me, I'll head to the restroom for a bit" She announced.

"Want me to go with you?" Kakucho asked. Which might sound weird to some but it was a natural thing to him to assist her in everything.

"Please Kaku, give the lady some space" Kokonoi chimed in. "Go ahead, we'll be here"

She smiled and excused herself once again before leaving. Her heels were the only ones making a sound in the quiet hallway.

When she turned near the restrooms, she can hear someone's voice. She would've just ignored it but they sound mad for some reason.

Now, who wouldn't listen to gossip right? She realized the voices were from the men's restroom. Nothing was stopping her to enter, she needed to know what was going on.

Y/n peeked in and saw Rindou bent down on the sink with the faucet running while Ran was standing beside him looking disappointed and holding a handkerchief in his hand.

"It wasn't my fault-!" Rindou answered, his voice was slow and somewhat slurred.

"Sanzu's sitting next to you, you should've known he'd put something on your cup" Ran shook his head with utter disappointment. "You know how he loves messing with you since you're the youngest"

Rindou was quiet then he audibly inhaled and exhaled. "Why the fuck are you so mad at me? You're always yelling at me-"

Ran wiped Rindou's mouth with the handkerchief. "You're really still a kid" He sighed. "I can't really leave you by yourself"

Y/n loved watching the interaction between the brothers, it was wholesome. It was a shock to her, you don't really see gang members caring for others.

She was about to leave when her feet had betrayed her and decided to slip as she accidentally stepped on her dress.

A thud then caught the brothers' attention and turned to look by the entrance to see Y/n sitting on the floor.

"Oh? Y/n~!" Rindou smiled as he greeted the girl, still high as a kite. "What are you doing on the floor?" He then sat beside her on the floor.

Ran groaned. "Get your ass up Rin, and help her stand"

"Y/n, he's being an ass" Rindou glared at his brother and smiled when he faced Y/n. "Let's stay here and sit, we can talk~!"

Y/n stood on her own and held out a hand for Rindou who gladly took it. "Good offer, but I don't think it's very sanitary to sit on the bathroom floor"

When they were both standing, Rindou hugged her. "Hehehe, Y/n~"

"Uhh..." Y/n awkwardly patted Rindou's back. She then turned to Ran. "What's up with him?"

Ran can't say that Sanzu brought drugs and drugged Rindou. "He drank too much." He answered plainly.

"But there wasn't alcohol in the drinks?" She pointed out. There was silence. "Well, anyway, we should bring him to one of the rooms on the third floor"

Ran then took his brother. "Yes, that would be great."

She walked ahead while Ran followed behind as he assisted Rindou. They walked in complete silence- with Rindou's random singing as their background music.

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