Beginning Of New

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Asia pulled up to the restaurant and parked. After grabbing her purse, she exit her spanking brand new car just as the warm air hit her skin. That California weather was warm and pleasant. That Callie weather was warm enough for you to enjoy a nice swim at the beach or a good ol' family picnic.
She strutted inside the fancy restaurant and after talking to the waitress for a split second, she spotted her girls sitting over at a table in the corner.
"Bout time" Shanay said just as Asia approached the table. Her and Briana stood up and one by one hugged Asia before they all took their seats. They all lusted over each other's glow, the fact that they weren't the same teenage girls from the hood was prominent to them.
"Traffic was a mess my bad y'all" said Asia as she took her seat.
"Girl I'm starved and ready to eat y'all know I'm fat" said Briana as she look over the menu.
"Yeah I'm glad you finally came cause this chick was getting on my nerves with her hungry ass" Shanay said laughing. As many times as they all went out, Briana was always the one who couldn't do shit without including food. Even though she was a slim, thick female babygirl could put it down.
"You sure you ain't with child?" Asia joked. Briana's head shot up with a frown on her face "Hell no a bitch is hungry that's all".

Once the waitress came over and took orders, the girls immediately started with their catch up talk. "So how's things going with you Asia?"
"Nothing much, the same shit honestly. This new job and training process is kicking my ass, but beside that everything is peachy".
"Well isn't this what you wanted?" Asked Briana.
Asia nodded "Yeah, but I won't lie and say it's easy. After my daughter was born I took some time off then went back and it was a blessing for me to graduate and be able to instantly get a starter job in the field that I always wanted to be in. Y'all know I work in a doctor's office and I work with injuried clients, sick patients and small children so it's not easy. Of course I know the field I know all fields for the most part, but again it ain't easy" she said laughing.

"Oh I know and I salute you everytime because my slow ass wouldn't know what to do period" said Shanay as she took a sip of her drink.
"Me either sis" said Briana as she eyed Asia.
"On another note though what's up... What's the new news. I ain't been able to hook up lately because of work so tell me what's new?" Asked Asia, waiting for all the new juicy tea.
"Well for starters my husband has been plucking my nerves, but we're great for the most part" Shanay said as she burst out laughing. Her and Tommy tied the knot not to long ago and to say that she was beyond happy was an understatement.
"You sure it ain't the other way around?" Asia asked laughing.
"Of course" Shanay burst out laughing before continuing her statement. "I pluck his nerves too, but it's normal for me not him. I love him though that's my baby".

Asia looked over at Briana who was texting away at her phone "Wassup with you and bro?"
Huffing, She placed her phone down on the table and closed her eyes. What they didn't know was that she was counting to ten slowly in her head to calm herself down. Once she opened her eyes she took a deep breath and smiled "Girl he bout to make me kill him. For starters y'all know the D I knew back in the day was Mr. Playa Playa, but I just knew in my heart that he had changed. My woman intuition is telling me that he's on some sneaky shit and I ain't got time".
Shanay and Asia both shook their heads "Well don't kill him girl we need him".
"Yeah we need D, but if you gotta whoop his ass for your respect do what you gotta do cause he knows better if he is doing something" said Asia.
"I done called him twice before I got here... No answer, but now he's texting me back and shit just not adding up on what he saying". As bad as Briana wanted to continue to vent, she didn't wanna mess up the mode so she decided to change the subject. "Anyways how's my niece doing I ain't seen her in days and you know I miss her?" Beings though Mace had D and Briana's house built a year ago, they moved out on their own just like everyone else.
Asia smiled, just the thought of her daughter that resemblance her and Kane made her bubbly inside. "She's good, she with Anika as usual you know that little girl is basically her daughter".
"Yeah you got that right" Shanay agreed.

"I want her tomorrow I know imma have to beef with Anika, but I miss my baby" Briana stated causing Asia and Shanay to laugh.
Shanay nodded and took a sip of her drink "I wish you luck mama".
"Has anyone talked to Tammie and em?" Asked Briana referring to Tommy's sisters.
Shanay nodded her head "I talked to Myesha and Sasha the other day they doing good. You know they just opened a salon up not too far from here and bitch Sasha doing nails there. Babygirl can slay some nails ya hear me?"
Asia nodded "I hear... I talked to Tammie yesterday on the phone for a few minutes. Her baby boy is so adorable".
"I'm surprised she got married and settled down you know Tammie was all play no settling period" stated Shanay.

"Well I mean look at us... We married now and settled down, but we never thought in a million years it would us".
"I mean yeah Asia that's fact, but when it comes to them you know they were in the streets deeper than us" said Shanay.
"While y'all bitches rocking big ass diamonds, carrying the Chase family last name I'm still sitting with a empty finger" Briana said laughing as she flashed her ring finger.
Asia pouted "Awe babe it will come soon I'm sure cause we all know D loves you and that's not gonna change".
Briana shoved her shoulders, unsure "I guess".

The waitress walked over with their meals and they wasted no time digging in. It was just a pleasure for them to finally be able to get together and kick it after weeks of not being able to do so. They finished their meals and talked some more before they all said their goodbyes and parted ways. Even though they all lived in the same community with Asia working and training it cut into their time together.

Shanay walked through the house and into the kitchen where Tommy sat at the table strolling through his phone. "Baby" she said as she walked over and planted soft kisses on his lips.
"Wassup babe, how was ya day?"
She smiled "It was actually cool, me and Briana was finally able to get together with Asia ass you know she works all the time now".
He nodded as he slid his phone in his pocket "Oh yeah how she doing? I was just with Kane and D earlier".
Shanay sat down on his lap "She's doing good, but you need to talk to D. Briana is a good girl and we both know how D is so I don't gotta even say much more".
Tommy nodded his head again and moved a loose strand of hair out her face as he stared in her eyes "Yeah I know... I'll try to talk to him babe, but you know D is his own man".

"Just try to talk to him" she pleaded softly.
"I got you". He kissed at her lips again as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Their love was so real, nothing could come between them as they thought.

She stood on the balcony staring up at the night sky with the view of the city in front of her. Looking more beautiful than ever, she was dressed in a fitting, white dress that was cut short in the front and long in the back with a pair of stiletto heels, her long soft hair blew and her mind was on a thousand. Being Gone from California for so long had bothered her the most because she was born and raised here. All she knew was this city, but when a near death experience came knocking at her door she was forced to get out of dodge.
Just then her phone started to ring in her hand and without even looking at the caller id, she answered. "Hello".
"Baby tomorrow is the day so be prepared" said the male voice over the phone. She took a deep breath as a sneaky smile crept up on her face. That was all she needed to hear especially with the fact that he was literally all she had left.
"I'll be there first thing" was all she said before hanging up the phone.
Tory was back from the dead and ready for revenge against her lover. The day Kane shot her and threw her over that bridge she just knew her life had came to a end. But when her body washed up on shore and she opened her eyes she found her way away from there, wounded and disappeared for the past couple years. It took alot for her to recover from the gun shot wound and due to some much blood lost it was a miracle that she survived.
Thanks to her mother's homegirl Anna being a certified nurse who rushed over to the house in the middle of the night when her friend called her and told her that she came in from the club to find her daughter in her living room clinging to life. Three days later Tory's mom came home from work only to find her daughter had gone and left the state.

But now Tory was back and ready for war, even though she still loved Kane and thought about letting it go, someone had to suffer for what he did.

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now