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  Kyle stared up at Asia's perfect flawless bare skin as she straddled him while they laid back in the bed, holding hands. Her t-shirt draped off her shoulder, she had a banging body in his eyes even though he still hadn't seen her fully naked. He was still not fully understanding how and why he proposed to her and she still hadn't given him an answer nor even let him please her sexual. Kyle was trying to stay patient and wait for her, but this load was building up in him and his patience was running thin.
"You know I hate when you leave me" said Kyle as he moved a loose strand of hair from her face. She smiled at him "Awe big baby you will be okay, time gonna go by so quick I'll be back before you even know it".

"I know, but that doesn't stop me from missing you and wanting to be up under my baby" he told her as he watched her climb off him and walk over to the dresser. She grabbed her work clothes and rushes towards the bathroom as Kyle laid back and admired her beauty. She glanced back at him and busted out in laughter. " What is you looking at weirdo?" He chuckled as he pulled the blanket up close to his face and got more comfortable in the bed "Ya sexy ass girl".

"You is something else I swear" she laughed as she walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Just then Kyle's smile faded as his mind began to rush. He couldn't believe that after all this time she was still acting as if he was a stranger. It bothered him that the woman he had been secretly in love with for all these years still wouldn't break to his spell. Kyle was use to females dropping their draws to him the first night and here he still couldn't make her fall for him, let alone touch her in a certain way. 

When she came rushing out the bathroom, he knocked them thoughts out his head and forced a fake smile on his face. "There she is". She quickly glanced at him before putting on her earrings and checking herself out in the mirror. He took a deep breath "Dinner tonight?" She faced him and slowly nodded her head, but the look on her face he could tell that she was unsure.  "Asia?"

"Umm?" She said as she cleared her throat.  "How do you feel about me, be honest baby?" She halfway smiled "Kyle you know how I feel... your  a sweet guy and I love that about you. You have literally been here for me the long way and I thank you for that".  He smiled as he sat up and grabbed hold of her hand and stared in her eyes "Are you scared to marry me because I told you baby I'm ready. I wanna man, I wanna heal all that hurt that you have in your heart". Her heart fluttered from the words that escaped from his lips, but her mind still wasn't ready to fully let go of the love of her life. She chuckled "I know" was the only thing that left her mouth. He smiled again as he caressed her hand in his "So what are we waiting for, my family loves you. I don't wanna wait no more babe I wanna marry you asap".

Asia looked away for a second then slowly looked back at him with a closed mouth smile "I still need time Kyle and I just need you to understand that" she told him in the calmest voice. He bite down at his bottom lip as he looked away and nodded his head. "Alright baby I can understand that" But it was something in his eyes that was telling Asia that he was lying and that he didn't understand where she was coming from. It was slowly turning her off that he was constantly trying to force her into something that she wasn't sure she was ready for. "I gotta go to work, but I'll hit you when I get there" she said she removed her hand from his and turned to grab her work bag and purse. She leaned down and kissed the side of his face which secretly pissed him off because he was actually aiming for her lips, but still he didn't show his anger.

"I love you baby I will see you at dinner" he said as she turned to walk out the room. She glanced back at him as she hit the door and nodded her head "See you later" was all she said before she left the room, leaving Kyle laying there angry in his own thoughts. That was it, he was over being played with by her and tired of her games. In his mind nobody was gonna have what he wanted so bad. He just knew that she was soul mate and with the way she was treating him was causing his mind to play tricks on him about his father's orders. 

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now