I Gotta Avoid The Bullshit, I Don't Wanna Stay

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     Asia had been Avoiding Kane for the past couple days and she felt comfortable doing just that. When he would come in the room, she would simply leave out even Anika noticed how things were shaky between them two. Multiple times he would try to touch her and she would remove his hands and distance herself. In her mind he had changed and she refused to sit around and wait for him to get his act
It was the afternoon and Asia and Shanay were over Ericka's house so she could see Makayla. Every other week they would visit Ericka so she could spend time with them and Makayla who she fell in love with just like everyone else.
"You getting so big girl" Ericka said bouncing Makayla on her lap.
"Ain't she?" Shanay said laughing.

"You must ain't no work Asia cause she looks just like her daddy" Ericka joked. After being at multiple family events, she had been aquatinted with Kane and the family.
Asia snacked her lips and waved her aunt off and laughed "Please my baby looks like me".
"No" both Ericka and Shanay said laughing.
"Not as much as she looks like Kane" Ericka said.
"If y'all say so cause I put in work" said Asia as they all laughed.
Dave walked through the door with his suitcase in his hand "Hey family". He walked over and hugged Shanay before doing the same to Asia. "Hey babygirl" he said to Makayla, touching her hand.

"She's so precious... Hey Makayla" he added just before planting a kiss on Ericka's lips.
"Hello baby how was work?" Asked Ericka as she looked up at him.
"It was cool.. I'm tired boo, I'll be in the back if you need me though".
She nodded her head, he kissed her lips again before saying goodbye to them and headed up the steps.
"So how is it being Married, mom?"
Ericka blushed "Baby it's love. I honestly thought it was too late for me, but God showed up and showed out with this one. He's a good one we pray together we do everything together and he makes me the happiest woman alive". Ericka and Dave recently got married and couldn't been more happy. He was definitely the man she needed in her life and never missed a chance making her happy. Dave was good looking to be a older dude and woman tried him, but his eyes were only on Ericka. He was four ages older than her and worked as a realtor making good money so she had no room to complain.

Shanay couldn't express how happy she was for her mother especially with where she came from and how she use to be before she changed her life. Asia smiled and nodded her head as Ericka went on and on about her happiness, but inside she wanted to cry. Here it seemed like her marriage that she was so happy to be in, was now falling apart.
Before she could allow herself to get upset she decided to change her mode. "Hey Aunt Ericka could you still watch lil mama for me for Mace's birthday party Saturday?"
Ericka nodded "Of course ... I got my baby. Y'all just go have fun".
They sat and talked for a little bit longer until Asia old classmate called her and asked her to stop by to see her. Once she part ways from Shanay she made her way across town to Gina's house.
Soon as she stepped inside the neat, small two bedroom apartment Gina grabbed Makayla up and planted soft kisses on her face "Hey baby". Makayla giggled with her arms wrapped little arms around her neck.

Asia took a seat on the couch and looked around "Where's baby boy at?"
Gina glanced in her back room "In his room watching TV". Soon as those words left her mouth Shawn, Gina's four year old son came running out the room and jumped on Asia's lap.
She smiled as they hugged "Hey man what you up to".
"What you doing?" She asked him.
"Watching TV" he released his hug and went over to Makayla and started playing with her.
Gina smiled as she sat down on the couch across from Asia "What you been up to?"
Asia shook her head "Nothing much... Tired. Work kicked my ass this morning" she said as she leaned back on the couch with her eyes closed.
Gina laughed "I bet.... I was off today thank God. Thursday is my last day though".
Asia opened her eyes and looked over at her friend strangely. "I put in my two weeks notice".
"I'm moving to Texas with my mom she needs me, plus I need a break from Callie for a minute. I'mma come back, but for now I need to go spend time with her" Gina said taking a deep breath.
Asia threw her head back and sat dazed out for a minute "I wish I could escape like you for a minute".

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now