You Secret Safe With Me

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         She opened her eyes and hunk the horn as he looked her direction. He smiled and started walking towards her car and that's when she hopped out. He was in the middle of talking to Makayla as Asia slowly walked away from her car towards them. When their eyes finally met, D looked down at her stomach and his mouth dropped. Asia bite down on her bottom lip so hard to stop from crying as she looked up at him with low, glossy eyes.

D slowly put Makayla down, but his eyes never left Asia's stomach "What the fuck...?" He whispered.

"Mommy" Makayla screamed as she ran up into Asia's arms.  "Hey Mama's" said Asia as she picked her up and kissed her tiny face.
"Hi". Makayla was so happy to see Asia, even though she was just a toddler she knew the difference from her mother's touch and her grandmother's.
"Was you scared on that plane?" Asia asked and Makayla shook her head no. D stared at his sister in law with low eyes as he tried to piece together what was going on.

     Asia glanced at D then looked away to avoid eye contact as he continued to stare her down.
"We're gonna have so much fun together while you're here baby" Asia said to her daughter as she walked over and put her in the car seat. She rolled the window down and closed the door before walking back over to D who stood in the same place in disbelief. She put her hand out for Makayla's bag packed with clothes and toys.
"This why you been avoiding us?"
She looked up at D and squinted her eyes "Don't judge me". She spoke aggressively, but she didn't mean it at all it was just she felt attacked at the moment.
D huffed "I'm not Asia and you know I'm not I'm just confused to what's going on right now". When she heard how calm he sounded she knew she couldn't no longer be rude towards him.
"If you guys knew that I was carrying another one of Kane's babies you would have never let me leave California in one piece" she said as she took the bag from his hand and walked away.
He followed behind her "Maybe your right, but come on Asia what did you expect?"
After she placed the bag inside, she inhaled deep and faced him " Nothing and that's why I left. D I did this for me everyone handles pain differently so you can blame me".

"Come home Asia... We family ... Just come back".
She shook her head "I can't come back there... Especially not right now. That place hurts too much and I need this time for myself. Kane is Gone D ... He's gone and I'm supposed to come back and be happy there without him". Tears filled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
"We suffering too though, how do you think I feel?? That's my brother... I'm not okay either Asia, but we family and it's killing everyone that you here and not home. Now You're telling me I have to go back home and not mention to my parents that their have another grandbaby on the way" D said.
She crossed her arms and looked down at her feet " Yes D... Yes" she took a deep breath and put her hand up as she continued " Look maybe when I get myself together I'll come back, but right now I can't".

He took a deep breath and glanced away before his eyes landed back on her "When is you flight back?"
He stared at her with so many thoughts in his mind. Honestly if he could tell her anything to make her come home, he would. "Now... I need to get in there for I miss it".
She nodded before hugging him. "Bye D". As she walked to the driver side D stopped and faced her. "Yo Asia".
She looked up with teary eyes "Yeah".
"Boy or Girl?"
She sniffed, trying to hold back tears "A boy". Was all she said before she got in the car and started it up. That broke D's heart more that he was ready to have a nephew that he possibly wouldn't get to see born or take his first steps like everyone got to see with Makayla. He watched as she pulled off before he turned around and walked inside the airport. As bad as he wanted to confess all he knew, he decided that the secrets were safe with him.

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now