Surprised To See Me

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    Kyle walked over to Asia who was sitting on the hood of his car looking at the night sky. They had pulled over at a hill top and decided to park and talk. He lit his black and mild and leaned up against the car next to her.  "You must really enjoy this?"
She looked over at him and smiled "It's peaceful" she glanced up at the sky before looking back at him "You don't think so?"
Kyle looked up and nodded as he blew the smoke out his mouth. "It's cool".
There was a silence between them for a moment until he broke it "You alright though?"
She looked at him once again with a small smile and nodded her head "Yeah".
"Asia... Seriously are you alright?" He asked to be sure. Even though her mouth said one thing her facial expression said another. "I'm living is all I can say. I'm not okay, but I will be the more I heal, you know?"

He nodded again "Well you know I care about you... Remember I was your friend and I still am I just wanna make sure you okay".
She nodded "I'll be fine... That's why I came to Texas... To find peace because I just didn't feel like I would be able to make it back in California. Being without Kane make me feel like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't focus I lost weight I was going crazy ... I needed a getaway. Now I'm ready to go back, I think I'm better now".
"You serious?"
She smiled and nodded "Yeah I think so".
"I'm sorry that you have to go through this Asia... I'm so sorry, but your not alone. I will always be there for you as long as you let me".
She smiled as she rest her head on his shoulder. To hear them words made her feel good, she was viable and the absence of her husband drove her insane. But she knew her time in Texas was up, it was time to get back home to her family and go on with her life.

Needless to say, Asia and Gina both had put their heads together and started a plan to leave Texas.
  They started researching and looking at places online and after a few weeks of searching they had found a three bedroom condo back in California.
After packing their belongings and a few of Tina's days later they hit the road without even letting anyone know. The mission was to get settled first then announce their presence back in California and that's exactly what they did.

  After days and days of unpacking and getting the condo together, Asia and Gina were finally settled. It was beautiful inside and pretty much all the way decked out. They were mainly happy to be back in L.A and the fact that it wasn't a stressful move. Asia stood looking out the condo glass window at the city as she talked to Kyle on the phone. For the past few months he had became a very close friend to her, although he wanted to be more. Kyle wasn't satisfied with being in the friend zone, but he promised her that he wouldn't rush anything and respected her wishes.
After she got done talking to him she decided today was finally the day to reveal that she was here so she went and got dressed.
Her and Gina dropped the boys off at daycare and made their ways to Anika's house.
She walked through the front door to see Mace walk passed, his mouth dropped and she smiled. "Heyyyy" she said as she threw her hands up.
"Asia hey girl" he said as they hugged. Anika rushed around the corner with a confused look on her face. "Asia ... Oh my" said Anika nervously.
Asia squint her eyes and smiled "What you didn't wanna see me?"
Anika laughed nervously and shook her head as she pulled her in her arms "Girl no stop that... I'm just shocked".

"I missed y'all" Asia said as they released the hug and both smiled at each other.  "Well we missed you too baby... I'm glad your here".
Asia nodded and looked back at Gina "And this is Gina, Gina this is Anika and Mace".
"Nice to meet you" said Mace.
"Welcome baby it's nice to meet you I've heard so much about you" said Anika as she shook Gina's hand. Asia noticed Anika look behind her and Gina and lowered her eyes. She looked behind her quickly then back at Anika. To say that she was acting weird was an understatement. Anika was always happy to see her and right now Asia wasn't feeling the same love that she was use to.

"You okay?"
Anika nodded at Asia and chuckled "Yes girl I'm fine I thought I saw something". Asia gave her a funny look before waving her off "Where my baby?" She asked referring to Makayla and just as she asked D came around the corner with her in his arms.
When he saw Asia he instantly got happy. "Yo what the fuck?" He yelled as he walked up and hugged her. She took a happy Makayla out his arms and kissed her face multiple times. "Hey mommy's baby".
"Yes baby" she asked holding her.
"Hi Mommy" said Makayla, laughing. They all laughed because they knew that Makayla was just as happy to see her mother.
Asia introduced Gina to D and they all started talking about random things. "So how long are you here for now?" Asked D.

Asia smiled "Well we moved back and we got a little condo across town". She didn't wanna release to much information because she couldn't risk them popping up. She knew that it was gonna come to a time where she would have to tell them about Mekhi, but when she was ready.
Anika and D's mouth dropped and excitement filled their bodies. "To stay?"
Asia nodded "Yup I'm back for good. I'm all set up and we both got our jobs back".
D hugged Asia again, he seemed more excited then Anika and Mace and that concerned Asia. She was secretly starting to feel unwanted and awkward about coming here.

"Man we gotta go tell Tommy and Shanay I know that gonna be sick boy" D said practically pulling Asia and Gina out the house. 
When they got down to the house D walked in with them two behind him. Shanay and Briana were sitting at the table looking over wedding decorations on the computer. When Shanay looked back and saw her cousin she ran over to her damn near jumping on her. "Asia your here" she yelled while hugging her like this would be the last time.
Asia laughed "Yeah I'm back" she let go of Shanay and hugged Briana then Tommy would were also happy to see her.
"Back?" Shanay asked, Asia looked back at her with a crooked smile "Back to stay".
Shanay jumped up and down like a big kid "Don't play with me".

"No seriously cousin I'm back... we moved back for good". Shanay was so joyful because she actually prayed for this moment and God heard her prayers.
"She better not leave again or we gonna fight" said D as he wrapped his arms around Briana's waist from the back and kissed her cheek.
"Yeah for real" said Briana, laughing. Asia looked down at Briana's finger and a shocked expression hit her face. "Wait... Is that?"
Briana and D both smiled hard "Yes girl bout time he pop the question" she said, flashing the ring.
Asia nodded her head at D as they did they signature hand shake. "That's right bro... I'm happy for you".
"Well I'm glad your here so now you can help me and Shanay plan this wedding". Asia nodded at Briana " I got you boo. Oh let me not be rude... Everyone this is Gina... Gina this is my cousin Shanay ... That's Briana and that's Tommy". Everyone spoke to each other, the meet and greet was warming. "I've heard so much about you guys" said Gina.

"Good... Now we can go out cause I been needing a night out with my girls" said Shanay.
"No doubt" Asia said laughing. Like old times the girl sat and talked about different topics and caught up on so much. Asia was so happy to be back home and around family and Gina was happy to be apart. They scammed through all types of decorations for the wedding on the computer until they were good and tired.

Anika stood in the kitchen in deep thought until Mace walked in behind her and kissed her face. "Is that door locked?" She asked.
Mace chuckled "Yes baby calm down".
"I just can't chance this Mace ... I really can't" she said nervously.
"Baby calm down".  Anika shook her head "No Mace this is serious. What are we gonna do?"
Mace frowned "What do you mean?"
Anika took a deep breath and put her hand up "Mace what are we gonna do when she founds out Kane is Alive?" She asked. She turned and looked at Kane who was standing in the kitchen entrance leaned up against the wall with a calm expression on his face.

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now