Where Were You????

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Children played in the neighborhood as the dope boys slung on the corner like it wasn't nothing. At this point, they didn't care about the police riding by, or the nosey neighbors snitching. Everyone and their mother's were out trying make a dime.

 Tory hopped out her car and pulled her hat down over her face to block the sun that was shining down. She was definitely hiding and because of the bright wig and sunglasses that she was wearing nobody in the neighbor was able to identify her what so ever. She walked up on the porch and without knocking, she walked right in. Her mother Michelle was sitting on the couch watching family feud while puffing on a cigarette. Michelle looked her daughter up and down before plucking the ashes from her cigarette. "Umm Look what the cat done drove in".

Tory plopped down on the couch as she removed her hat and glasses "Mama don't start". "I ain't starting shit, but it's funny that now you wanna pop up after i ain't seen you in months". "Ma you know I had to hide out so I don't know why you acting brand new".  "I'm not, but what's wrong with you picking up the phone and calling me?"  Tory chuckled "Ma please don't act like you care now. I'm the same bitch that was locked up and not once did you come to visit me, but now you wanna act like you care so much". Michelle frowned her face up "Tory don't you put this on me".

Tory chuckled again as she tossed her hands up in the air "Anyways How are you, you okay you need something, some money or something?"  Michelle chuckled "Tory what are you into where you have to hide out... Is the cops looking for you?"  Tory shook her head "No, but after I come up with my plans some other people might be looking for me" she stated with a sinister smirk on her face.  Michelle frowned again "Tory I know got damn well you not still chasing a man who done prove that his heart belongs to someone else".  Tory leaned up closer to her mother and looked directly in her eyes "That's my fucking man and I love him and ain't no bitch ready to come take him from me... no bitch".

Michelle chuckled "That's the daughter that I know, the daughter who is the reflection of her mother". Michelle and Tory were really like mother and daughter. Years ago when Tory was a teenager, Michelle had went to jail for assault with a deadly weapon because she had beat her ex boyfriend's new girlfriend with a bat. Tevin was done and over with, with Michelle's crazy ways and that caused him to leave her alone, but that didn't stop her from making anyone that came in his path suffer. Michelle wine up doing four years in jail and that left Tory alone to fend for herself in multiple dysfunctional families along the way.  Michelle stared her daughter in the eyes with a cold smirk on her face " Then Baby you do what you gotta do and make it count. By all means make that bitch suffer so you can get ya nigga back".  That's all Tory needed to hear, she needed a hype man and that's exactly what Michelle gave her to put her plan in motion.

                  Asia's eyes fluttered as she slowly opened her eyes. She was laid back on the couch with everyone in front of her. Slowly she tried to sit up, but when she did she moaned out in pain because of the throbbing pain in her head that she felt. "Woo take it easy sis please" said D as he sat at the foot of the chair, trying to make her lay back down. "What happened?" asked Asia in a slurred voice while still holding the warm rag on her head. Anika looked over at their home doctor and nodded her head "You sure she's gonna be okay?"  Doctor Fuego nodded his head "She's be fine, just a minor concussion, the bleeding is also minor and under control, should not continue if it does please call me back I don't care what time it is". Doctor Fuego shook hands with Mace and Tommy before heading towards the door. "Asia I need you to relax baby, Shanay went upstairs to the spare bedrooom and ran you a bath. We need you to stay here tonight to make sure that you are gonna be okay" said Anika as she stood side by side with Brianna and Mace. 

Asia rubbed the top of her head and took a deep breath as she sat all the way up on the couch "What happened to me?"  "Someone tried to kill you Asia" said D as he rubbed her shoulder. "Yeah do you have any idea who would want you dead now?" asked Tommy as he paced back and forth with his eyes on her.  She took another deep breath as she shook her head "No... I don't it all happened so fast. The person was standing over top of me with his gun... and... and listen..." She said as she closed her eyes and shook her head before continuing "I'm not crazy so don't think this, but Kane was there.... he helped me.... I saw him" she told them with her eyes still closed. Just then Anika rushed over and kneeled down by her side and grabbed her hands, causing her to slowly open her eyes and stared down at her.  "It felt so real" Asia said in a whisper. 

Anika swallowed hard as she stared in Asia's eyes "That's because it was real". And as soon as she said that Kane appeared in the room. Asia eyes slowly looked away from her mother-in-law and her eyes landed on the husband that she thought was dead. He was standing in front of her well alive and looking better than before. Tears whelped up in her eyes as she roamed around the room and stared at everyone before her eyes landed back on Kane. It was the feeling of hurt, betrayal, anger and happiness all together. By now Shanay had came back down the steps and when she saw Kane and Asia staring at each other with a look that she couldn't describe and the fact that the whole room was silent scared her the most. Kane walked over to Asia just as the tears had fell down her confused face. When he took a seat next to her and tried to touch her she jumped back and stared at him as if she had seen a ghost. "Asia I'm sorry baby" was all he said before she jumped up and snapped. 

"Wait... so y'all think this is so type of game? You were dead... you died I saw you Kane" she said before she began to sob hard.  "Baby I'm sorry, but you have to understand...".   She cut him off "Why would you do this to me Kane ... why? I loved you I was here and you left me. You left me to be by myself all because of some sick game that you wanted to play. I can't believe you... I can't believe none of y'all" She said as she looked at all them in the room before she continued  "Yall watched me cry over this man thinking that he was dead and whole time he was alive. Yall really played in my face and had this man hiding from me and the only reason why he came out of hiding was because he didn't wanna see me die while he was there".

Kane reached out to touch Asia, but she slapped his hand away angrily. "Don't touch me... don't you ever touch me again you lied to me" she cried out.  "Asia baby I'm so sorry baby, but I had to do it this way". Asia chuckled as she took a step back from him "And I'm sorry, but I have to walk away from you" was all she said before she turned her back and walking away. Anika, Shanay and Brianna wanted to chase behind her, but Kane stopped them. "Nah, let her go... let her breathe". He knew that this was gonna turn out bad and this is what he didn't want.  Asia walked out the door and slammed it behind her before she broke down and started crying. She was happy that Kane was alive, but also hurt that everyone around her had lied to her.  She walked over to her car and climbed in before she pulled out the driveway like a bat out of hell. Her mind was on a hundred and she was going crazy. From being almost killed in the parking lot of her job by a unknown masked man to her husband being alive the whole time was really blowing her. She couldn't believe how in a matter of one day her life had turned upside down and everyone around her were labeled suspect. At this point, nobody could be trusted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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