How Do I Go On?

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Asia and Anika sat out back of her mansion both in deep thought. Asia sat with her feet under her as she stared up at the blue sky, thinking about everyone she lost. First her parents now her husband, she honestly felt like death followed her and that didn't sit well with her soul. As bad as it sounded she didn't really wanna be near nobody or get close to another because she was too afraid of losing anybody else. "Your gonna be okay" Anika said with confident as she broke the silence. She knew the hurt that her daughter in law was feeling, she couldn't lie it hurt her the most that her son wasn't here.
"I don't know about that Anika... I don't feel okay".
"I know, but you will be...I know it's tough on you right now, but I promise you, you'll be fine. Your a strong woman you can get through anything and even if you feel like you can't we got you always" she told her as she reached and grabbed her hand.
Asia took a deep breath "I don't think I'll ever be okay without Kane. He made everything in my life so easy even when it was hard. We had our problems, but it was never nothing we couldn't work out. This isn't just a bad break up or nothing, Kane is gone" she said as she swallowed hard while she held back tears.

Anika nodded her head as she wiped away her tears while listening to Asia pour her heart out about her son. "How do I live without him in my life?? I can't even stay in that house alone and feel comfortable" Asia added.
"I know baby".
Asia sighed and sat up in her seat "Um Anika I been thinking" she paused and looked away "Imma go away from a while. I need this time alone for me ya know".

Anika stared at Asia for a minute, speechless. "Your gonna leave?"
Asia nodded her head "I gotta get away for a while and get myself together. I am not okay at all, I feel like I'm losing myself and that's not a good feeling".
Anika took a deep breath, at that moment she wanted to tell Asia something to make her stay, but nothing would come out. "Asia don't leave... We can work through this together".
Asia shook her head "Not this time.. I gotta do this for me... Alone". At the end of the day all Anika could do was respect that, she nodded her head. "Just do me one favor".
Asia gave her, her undivided attention. "Let my grandbaby stay. She's the only thing I have left of Kane I know she's ya daughter, but I don't wanna see you both go I can't handle that".
Asia sat there in deep thought for a minute, her leaving her daughter behind wasn't even a thought, but then again Anika was right. It would be selfish for Asia to take Makayla away from her grandparents knowing not only were they both mourning the lost of their son, but Makayla meant everything to them.

Asia sat at her dining room at the table with her phone in front of her. After contemplating for minutes she picked her cell and dial Ms. Jones number and waited for her to pick up. She talked to her for a good while before telling her that she decided not to come back to work, but to join Gina on her Texas move. Ms. Jones understood and respected her decision before wishing her well. She also told Asia that when and if she ever came back that she always had a job with her. Once she hung up the phone, she sat it back down on the table and took a deep breath. She glanced over and looked at the positive pregnancy test on the table and again her heart ached. How was she gonna bring another child in this world, fatherless. Needless to say, she packed what she could and found herself driving over to Gina's apartment.

Gina opened the door and smiled as she stared at Asia before grabbing her bags. "I'll go with you if I can still go".
Gina pulled her into a embracing hug "I was hoping you would say that". Gina was definitely the type of friend who had ya back no matter what and she always showed Asia love.

A few days later was the hardest day for Asia. She stepped out of her car and walked up to Anika and Mace's mansion. Every step she took was harder and harder because she was really ready to say goodbye and leave everyone  behind even her first born. Makayla was too young to understand what was going on and to Asia it didn't make the situation better. "I love you baby" she told Makayla as she kneel down to her level and kissed at her face.
"Love you too" Makayla said back as she hugged Asia which caused her heart to ache even more. This was her babygirl, her only daughter and here she was really ready to move to Texas without her.

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now