I Can't Believe It

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   Shanay paced back and forth in the master bathroom, waiting for the results. Her heart pounded in her chest and her patience was running low. The night before she had ran to the store and grabbed a pregnancy test because it had been two weeks and she still hadn't came on her period. After the first week she got happy, but still decided to wait it out. But when the second week approached and she still hadn't seen nothing she knew it was time to take a test to be sure. Nervousness and excitement hit her body at the same time and all she wanted was the results that she dreamed of. To be a mother was all she ever wanted, anytime she saw a baby or a toddler it gave her baby fever.

It had been a few minutes that felt like forever and she literally prayed the whole time. She looked down at the test and her mouth dropped when she saw the two lines on the pregnancy test. "Oh my... " She whispered as she smiled before covering her mouth. Tears ran down her face as she jumped for joy. The day had finally came, the day she had prayed for, for so long. Here she thought she couldn't have kids, but God blessed her with one anyway. This had to be the happiest day of her life.
She knew for a fact that Tommy was gonna be so happy when he came home, she couldn't wait to show him.

      Kane sat in the basement in the theater room, watching movies. He couldn't get his mind off Asia and everyday it seemed like it was becoming harder and harder especially with the fact that she was moving on. Anika came in and sat down next to him, the look on his face broke her heart because Kane was always a happy, going person now it just looked as if he was suffering. And he was all day, everyday and he hated it.
"You okay son?"
"I'll be better when I have my life back" he responded without even looking at her.
She nodded and took a deep breath "I Know baby".
He finally looked at her and licked at his bottom lip "Did she come over here today?" He asked referring to Asia.
Anika nodded "Yeah and she's going through it son".

He looked over at her while playing with his chin hair "What you mean?"
"She misses you Kane and to make matters worse Makayla mentioned you in front of her... That caused her to really break down. Luckily Makayla didn't say anything else". Makayla had been around her dad multiple times and she knew that he was alive and that's why she asked for him.
Kane inhaled deep and shook his head " I don't know how much more I can keep this hiding shit up ma". He never imagined that it would be this hard to get to Tory's ass, had he knew this he would have never agreed to fake his death.
Anika nodded "Not much longer baby, your uncle knows what's best and he's gonna make sure that this situation is taking care of... I promise".

He sat up and stared at his mother for a minute "Has she really moved on?"
Anika looked away "I don't know son". Kane lowered his eyes and when she seen it "Keep it all the way real with me ma don't hold nothing back from me".
Anika swallowed hard "D said she's involved with some dude and he really cares for her, they have known each other for some time, but she's scared to go to the next level with him because she's not over you".
"Who is he?" Asked Kane.
Anika shoved her shoulders "I really don't know son".
"How she gonna do me like that... no other nigga is even supposed to be this close to something that's mine" he said as he took a deep breath and sat back and rubbed his head. Hearing that did something to him mental, he didn't know if he was more pissed or hurt at the time.

"Don't blame her baby, Asia's love for you is pure. She really doesn't know what to do and honestly she's not ready to move on... I think it's a pressure type thing" said Anika.
Kane shook his head "Ma I mean this from the bottom of my heart... I won't let another nigga step in and replace me. I've been without my wife for too long I ain't marry that girl just to let her walk completely out my life I don't care what unc says" he said meaning every word that came out his mouth.
Anika looked in her son's eyes "Kane... it's more" she said as she rubbed her hands together, nervously.
He looked her and swallowed hard. "D and Tommy saw a ring on her finger and I did too... When I asked D he told me that the guy proposed to her recently".
Kane shook his head and shrugged as he sat back in his seat and looked straight ahead "That ain't gonna happen... I promise you".

Anika took a deep breath and stared at her son and couldn't do nothing, but respect his wishes even though she wanted him to wait it out. She almost lost her son once and she refused to go through that again. At the same time Kane no longer care about what nobody said, he wanted his family back and would do what it took to get it back. He never wanted to agree with this, but they promised him that Tory would be caught and the problem would be taking care of. She pulled the wool over his eyes and he admitted in his mind that he was caught slipping. Had he knew that she was gonna survive being shot and tossed over the bridge he would have checked her for sure. As smart as he was he had never made this type of mistake in his life and now he was living with it. Tory started as just an ex, but she had became a pain in his life and this time he planned to execute her for good.

    Tommy walked through the front door and saw Shanay sitting on the couch, strolling on her phone. He walked up and planted a kiss on her lips. "Hey babe".
She smiled "Hey".
"What you up?" He asked just as he was ready to walk away.
"Tommy" she called out causing him to turn back and face her.
"Wassup babe".
She patted behind her on the couch, signaling him to sit down. He chuckled as he walked over to her and sat down. "What you up to?"
She smiled as she pulled a box from behind her back. He looked up at her with a confused look on his face as he laughed. "Why you giving me gifts babe??? That's my job".

She laughed "Just open it".
He opened the box and pulled out a baby t- shirt and held it up. He laughed "Shanay what's this?"
She smiled, but said nothing as she stared at him. The rush that she was feeling in her body was nothing, but pleasure. He looked down in the box and saw a positive pregnancy test. He pulled it out and twisted up his face "What's that?"
"A pregnancy test babe" she said giggling.
His mouth dropped "You pregnant?"
She nodded her head as she twisted at a loose strand of her hair. "Don't play with me".
She laughed "I'm not playing".

He looked her and jerked his head back "Don't play with me Shanay... You pregnant?"
"Yes babe".
He jumped up happy and yelled for joy. He sat back down next to her "Are you serious?"
She nodded again with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes as he pulled her in his arms.
"Damn babe".
"You happy?" She asked as she climbed on his lap.
He smiled "More than happy... Finally babe".
They both laughed as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. They both were more than excited that it was finally happening for them. Her and Tommy had both prayed for this moment and she was the only one who thought that it impossible, but he knew it was only a matter time. He loved Shanay and he couldn't wait for this moment to happen and now that it was here they both were ready. This would make their little family complete and that was they had been hoping for, for years.

MI'KANE & ASIA PART 2.  REVENGE ON REVENGE Where stories live. Discover now