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Eightriel's PoV

Everyday is hell, well not literally. But if I will be handed two choices wether to stay living my current life or descend to hell, I would gladly choose the latter as for I don't want to continue anymore. If I could just die in a slit of throat, I think my 18th coming of age will be my 7th death anniversary.

Like any other days, my eyes opened in a room so dark that if there's any black predator inside, I'll likely be killed in a second. Oh how I wish for that to happen. As usual, I started my day or night since it's literally 6pm in the evening and the sun just set and was replaced by the moon, with opening my coffin and stretching my limbs. Yeah, I have a coffin for bed. Well that's not actually too surprising since I'm a vampire since birth. But not all vampires sleep in a coffin since we also adapted the advanced way of living.

"Good evening, Eightriel.." I greeted myself since my parents are too busy to do so.

A yawn passed my lips once more before I turn my self into a bat. But even though I'm in this form, the exhaustion in my eyes didn't left. However, I can't go back to sleep or I'll miss a day or night of school. Flapping my wings, I left my room and proceeded to go to the dining room so I could fill my growling stomach with food.

Like always, no one is inside. It's either my parents already left for their work or they're still sleeping. But whatever their reason is, it doesn't matter since I'm already used to eating alone and I'm not expecting anymore from them unlike before when I'm just a kid. Growing up and reaching this age taught me a lot. And the most important lesson is to understand my situation and the kind of life I'm living and the kind of people or vampires surrounding me. I'm always the who understands.

"What to eat? What to eat?" I sang repeatedly while opening our refrigerator and cabinets.

Here are some facts about us vampires, we don't eat insides of humans. That's disgusting really, we're not monster, we are beings too. How can anyone even think of eating raw meat with bare hands, specially human meat. Gughrr!! The thought is making me shiver.

The food I found are not to my liking so I just grabbed a green apple and a bag of blood. Yeah, vampires drinking blood is a reality, but we're not getting them from sinking our fangs to human necks. Those are lies. We only do that to our bloodmates. To claim them as ours and mark them. Other than that, us sucking the blood of human directly is nothing but a make-up story.

Or maybe it is true after all, but can't be applied to all vampires. There are some cases where a vampire turned feral, lose control and go astray. Drinking all the blood that they find and once they run out of blood, they'll go to the human's land and suck their blood until they turn pale. That only happens when a vampire choose to be a fool and decided to drink a special liquid made for us so we can walk under the sun and interact with humans. Yeah, I call those vampire who interact with humans fool. The liquid had some random side effects and that includes turning the vampire into a rampant, a blood sucking mindless beast. Name it.

Therefore, vampires who don't want to end up in that situation where it leads no where but on the boat of the grim reaper, stay out of humans and that freaking liquid. I, on the other hand, seek for it. The liquid can be called poison to us vampires and some idiots also use that to eliminate a vampire. They often fail tho, because the chance of a vampire lose control side effect is at least 5 percent out of 100. Crazy right? Most of the time the side effect are just; you go blind, lose a finger, nonstop gagging, genitals become shorter, and so on. They risk it all just to interact with humans.

As for my opinion, I don't understand why they go that far. Like what do they gain after interacting with a creature whose lives are short? Fun? Is it fun to talk to a human? I haven't talk to a human before that's why I don't understand. I only saw one but the human scurried away immediately after seeing me. I didn't chase after him because why would I? If they go, let them. And I'm too lazy to do so.

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