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Eightriel's PoV

Today is the long awaited day for my best friend Matilda. As a werewolf, her 18th birthday is very precious as it is also the day that she will start to detect her important person, her other half. Most of her kind dreamed to have one, of course, this girl is also included. She won't shut up how wonderful it is to finally meet the person that the Moon Goddess designed for her according to her parents, the Alpha and Luna of Silver Moon pack.

I'm always happy to hear her talking about her mate, and sometimes she would make a joke that she will feel relieved if I was the person. Sadly, I can never be as I am already tied to another man. The man who is not willing to accept the defected, broken, and weak me. Until now, I still can't get over about that topic. I still ask the God of Vampires why he tied our fate. I have been unfocused lately because of that. Matilda often say that I'm staring blankly at the air. I can only present an apologetic smile as reply.

Back to Matilda's birthday party, we are currently in her bedroom. Alec, Me, Beltran and her. When you put it into consideration, she is the only woman in our circle of friends. But note that she is the toughest, being the daughter of the Alpha and the next Alpha sure is a really great advantage. Making her look intimidating and powerful. As she is.

This girl who is sitting on her bed have a unexplainable face expression. Why? Because she is having panic attack at the moment. Just by thinking about what will happen tonight make her stomach churn, was what she told us. Beltran is the first to react, saying that she's reacting too much and she's just meeting her mate. His comment ended on a deafening verbal fight. If I didn't get in the way and shoo Beltran and Alec out of Matilda's room, I'm pretty sure one of this two Alpha will be buried six feet under in no time.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips after closing the door. Alec is questioning why he's also evicted when he's never done wrong but I shut the door to his face. Rude I might say.

"Eight, give me some advice.." Matilda faked cried like a child. I can't help but roll my eyes at the sight. I think childishness is in the Alpha's bloodline.

"Like what? Commit a double suicide with me?"

She glared at me. Which has no effect because I am a vampire not a werewolf. "Be serious!"

Oh? She took that as a joke? I sighed, letting my arms fall from it's crossing position on my chest. I walked to her spot, sitting down behind her and fixing her braided hair. "Mat, how many times do we have to go through this? I already told you that no one will despise you as their mate. Do I have to repeat the sentences word by word? Hmm?"

She breathe out, her shoulders slumping.  "I just can't help thinking about it.."

"How about this. If ever your mate doesn't want you, I will punch him or her straight in the face.."

The girl laugh like a crazy person. Making me shot a warning glare at her. "Really? You would?" She wiped the tear that formed in the corner of her eyes due to the reason of too much laughing. If she's just not my so called best friend, I will suck her blood until the last drop for offending me. But, in all honesty, my statement makes me want to laugh as well.

"Wanna make a bet? I'm basically putting my life on the line here.."

"No. No. I'm looking forward to your suggestion.."

"That is...if your mate doesn't want you, okay? I am sure it will not turn out that way.."

After a while, one of their pack member came to tell Matilda that it is almost time for her appearance. I gave her another hug before going out first. Beltran and Alec followed me to our table. Surprisingly, the two of them are quiet. I'm starting to think something is up because Alec is talkative and so is Beltran. I thought before that they will make good company to each other. This is not how I imagined it to be.

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