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Haven's PoV

"Who are you to decide that!? If the Moon Goddess choose him for you then she sees him as the right person qualified to be your husband.."

Out of all that happened in that damn birthday celebration, the only thing that successfully broke through my thick skull is that sentence. The words that came out of my bloodmate's mouth are like knives hitting my chest and knocking some sense to me. And what made my blood boil even more is the fact the he is right!

Our God does not commit any mistake in choosing the right person for us, thus conclude that Eightriel is really the one matched perfectly for me. Still, I refused to acknowledge that! I'm not a fan of same sex relationship. Yes I respect them but I don't see myself entering one with my bloodmate. Shit! Things just gets complicated each passing day!

The longer I stay away from Eightriel, the more I want to be closer to him. Not to strangle him or bash his skull on the locker, but to cuddle and kiss him on the bed.

Admittedly, I've been watching him from a far ever since I found out he's mine. He's not like the girls I've been with. Eightriel has the purest soul. He's a sweet son, an understanding and supportive friend, a kind and loving vampire. However, he also have his bad side. He thinks too low of himself. He often space out. And what ticks me the most is how he craved to kill himself everytime he sees an opportunity. I can't help but assume that I am the cause of his suicidal behavior.

The door created a loud sound when I banged it closed behind me. I just returned from that messy party that the mutt friend of my bloodmate hosted. Our family is invited but my mom and dad are too busy with vampire matter. They're unable to attend, so they sent me in their stead to show respect to that mutt's parents. Going there was the baddest decision they made for me! Not only did the celebration draw Eightriel and I closer to each other but I witnessed how his other male friend look at him!

What was the bastard's name? Alec? To hell with him! It frustrate me that somebody else is looking at my mate like that other than me. He clearly shows affection, however, my bloodmate is too naive and oblivious to notice. He doesn't have an idea that someone close to him is a lion waiting for an opportunity to devour his prey. Well, good luck with that asshole! As long as I am around, no one will touch what is mine.

The killing intent didn't left my system too easily. My hands are itching, I want to strangle that guy. How dare he desire my bloodmate?

"Back so soon, son?" My mind only come to halt from thinking of ways to torture the ungrateful soul when Mom appeared on the staircase. Her night gown is covering her body from the cold of the night. A yawn passed her lips, indicating that she's sleepy.

I faked a sweet smile. "The party ended early.."

"Hmm...Did the celebrant meet her mate?"

"Yes, mom. It was Bryan.."

Her eyes gleamed. Sadly, what happened back there was not what she's thinking. It was a mess and I actually felt bad for the guy. The she wolf just straight out rejected the idea of him being her mate. However, who am I to talk? I am no far from her. My heart sank just by thinking that Bryan looks exactly like Eightriel back then. Both has the face as though their world just crumbled.

"Mom..." I released a heavy breath. Making up my mind to confess my mistake.

The woman raised her brow at me, slowly approaching my post. "Yes, son? Is there something bothering you?" Her warm hands reached up to touch both of my arms in a soothing manner.

"It's about my bloodmate.."

"Hmm? What about her? Did she changed her mind? Does she want to meet us already?" She's practically jumping in excitement but the news is the opposite of exciting.

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