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Eightriel's PoV

When I was a kid, all I wanted was a life worth of living with my parents. They were never this busy before. We often spend times laughing, joking, snuggling and a lot more with each other back then. Making them proud of me had been always my goal, therefore, I studied eagerly to earn the first place. Everything was bright. Everything was happening according to what I wished for. And I thought everything would stay the same forever. Because that is what I want. But I guess, not all you want will be given to you.

My parents didn't fail to raise me. They moulded me to become a cheerful kid, free from any problem. However, I guess I can't run away from the probleams forever, and they can't prevent it too. I'm just a kid back then, I was never free from problems, I'm just too young to realize it. Therefore, as I grew up and become older, the problems slowly surface.

I reached highschool with the same goal. To achieve the first place. I didn't know that that would be the reason as to why my life became worthless like a garbage that should be thrown away without second thoughts. Turns out there are a lot of people who doesn't like what I gain. They hated me and labeled me as a teacher's pet, attention seeker and many more. I never thought I'd be in that situation, all I wanted was my parents to stay being proud of their son.

Thus, I take it all in and just understand that not all people are pleased with what I've done. That's when I realize, my specialty is to tolerate people's bad behavior towards me. The hate keeps on, moreover, it become aggressive. People became unsatisfied with just verbal abusing, they began to physically torment me. Considering that I'm a vampire, the wound instantly heals like it was never there before, although I felt the pain of what they've done. That is also the reason why my parents never suspect anything bad happening to me. They never knew that their beloved son is facing a great problem. I don't want them to know too because I am convinced that I can handle everything.

But I was wrong. Everyday, the bullying keeps getting worse. Everyday, the teacher will ask me the same fucking question. 'Eightriel, are you okay?' 'You look sad, are you alright?' 'Is there something wrong?' 'Are you getting bullied?'. However, I can't reply to them. The answer that they want from me are stuck in my throat. It become hard for me to communicate with other people. The feelings I wanted to share to others, I hid them inside my heart. I'm scared of all the people as I constantly hearing them snickering and badmouthing me inside my head. When I'm walking alone, I feel like shrinking.

I know not all people are judging me but because of what I've been through, I've been cautious about my surrounding. The people who bullied me broke me and now it become hard for me to make friends. The grades I've been taking care of all my life, decrease and fell. Resulting for my parents to confront me, but I sealed my lips. When they touch me I flinch and inch away. I don't want to be like this, I want to hug them so much and cry on their shoulder but I can't bring my self to share my suffering. I distanced myself from them, avoiding all of their questions about school.

The cheerful kid that lies inside me faded day by day until it was no where to be found anymore. In all honesty, I dislike the person I've become. But there are no one to blame but me for not fighting back and stand to defend myself. I am a vampire, but for all of my life, I did none but ran away from all of them. The title, this body, this life, I don't think it belongs to me.

The rooftop of our school became my escape place where I hide myself from the sight of everyone. There I spend my time drowning in sorrow and depression. There I cut my wrist to cut my lifespan but seconds after cutting my flesh, the bloods was sipped back to my veins and the wound disappeared as if it was never there. That made me cry for hours, realizing that there's no way I can kill myself. I tried slicing my throat, but the result is the same. I tried hanging myself, but still failed. I gave up with the idea of killing myself since it's not possible. I hated being a vampire and having a life that can't be cut.

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