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Haven's PoV

The unbelievable news shocked Eightriel to the point he was unable to form a single word. We just stood there, staring at each other, I am lost in thoughts while he, I think, is nailed on his spot. Why? Of all people and creatures that are living in this world must I be paired up to this guy? What cause him to be my fated bloodmate? Our God must've been blind to come up with this match. How will I break the news to my family that my bloodmate is a guy? Shit!

"Damn it. Why does it have to be you!?" I pushed his chest with force using my index finger, causing for him to end up on the floor. Eightriel look up to me, more shock that he already is. The shock expression eventually turned into a hurt one. Which made my chest tightened. I've inflicted pain in my bloodmate's heart. God, what did you eat to come up with such thoughtless decision!? "I-" I swallowed hard to prevent myself from apologizing to him. It feels ridiculous that after all the cruel things I've done to him in the past and the present, I will suddenly say I'm sorry just because of the bloodmate bond.

I shot a glare to my unfortunate bloodmate. Eightriel flinched. I know he's scared of me. Why wouldn't he? I'm his bully after all. See!? He's a weakling, I'm the next King of Vampires. I don't deserve such a person to stand by my side and rule our clan. And how will he give me child!? I need a heir to the throne but my bloodmate is a man. I can only curse silently by how the events turn like this. So this is the reason why I'm feeling uneasy earlier.

"R-Reject me...please.." the words that left Eightriel's mouth made me shot a look at him. And because of it, my heart tightened once again. He doesn't want to be mine. Why do I feel sad all of a sudden? I don't want him, he doesn't want me. That's good news. Still, I can't help but feel hurt.

"Moron, I can only do that if you're already 18!"

"I-I'm sorry.."

I gritted my teeth, hating the guilty feeling arising from my heart. Eightriel scurried away from me slowly. I wanted to whimper because my bloodmate is distancing himself from me but I sealed my lips. Damn bloodmate bond! Stop making me feel strange things!

"Whatever. I find this bloodmate thing disgusting anyway." I feel as though my lips are burning as I speak more lies. "I will wait until you're 18 and reject you. You may be my bloodmate, but don't think I will treat you like one.." with that resolution, I shift into my bat form and left Eightriel. But I stopped flapping my wings and stayed sitting on the branch near the house.

From here, I can hear Eightriel's sobs. He also throws profanities at me. I can't blame him after all that I've said. If he's a woman, my decisions will be different. But he's a guy, I will never feel happy with a person who has the same gender as me. I'm not gay. I leaned on the trunk of the tree and sighed. Regret is seeping from my heart as I recall the cruel things I've done to the person who is unexpectedly my fated bloodmate. I feel like I'm a shit.

Later after I left Eightriel's house, a big gray wolf came into view. I couldn't recognize the wolf but I can sense that it doesn't harbour any threats to my mate. The wolf's ear perks up, probably catching on the sound of Eightriel's cries. The wolf went behind a tree and didn't came out anymore. Instead, the wolf was replace by a woman. I recognized her instantly. She's the overprotective mutt that my bloodmate have as a friend.

She quickly ran into the house, I can't see what's going on inside so I change my spot. The scene I saw cause me great pain. As Eightriel's bloodmate, seeing him embracing another person hurts me to the bone. And it's only a hug. How much more if I see him kissing or even engaging in sexual intercourse with a person that isn't me. Ugh shit! I want to break their hug so bad.

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