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"So? How was your stay in Haven's house, my friend?" Matilda harshly put down her backpack on the table making a loud sound that disturbed the students in the classroom. I flinched at the sound. Matilda's stunt gained many eyes from the students but she ignored them all. This woman just stared at me intently. This is the first time we met tonight and she straight out asked her intention, she didn't even greet me first!

"Hello to you too, Mat.." I rolled my eyes.

"Answer my question, Eightriel. Did you have fun staying there?" She insisted stubbornly.

Her question knock some memories in my mind. I was unable to answer her due to the scene that suddenly entered my mind. My face grew hot as I remember the night that I woke up in Haven's room. His arms are wrapped around me securely. As soon as I opened my eyes, his broad chest is the first that I saw. He is sleeping without a shirt on! That same night, I came to know that Haven sleep like a log. He didn't even woke up when I untangle myself from his arm. The last time I remember was that we were sitting in the forest, I guess he brought me back to his room passed asleep. My face even became redder. Shit! What a stupid mistake, Eightriel! So stupid. I came home after bidding goodbye to Haven's parents. They want me to wake up Haven but I strongly refused. Since then, I haven't seen Haven or even his shadow.

Actually, I'm relieved that we haven't bumped into each other. I don't know how I will act if I saw him again. In fact, my goal tonight is to avoid Haven but I guess the lady luck is on my side.

"Cat got your tongue?" My thoughts was interrupted by Matilda.

I rolled my eyes, taking out the notebook for our next subject. "It was fun, Mat. His parents are nice and kind. And he treated me well.." My voice lowered down as I answer her. I'm embarrassed to talk about my experience in that mansion so I changed the subject. "How about you? How's your stay in Bryan's house?"

Matilda's face turned red upon hearing my question. She averted her eyes away from me. "Fine I guess. His parents are nice too!" She sat down heavily like a grumpy woman.

I laughed at her reaction. "Of course they are. Bryan will not be kind if his parents are horrible right?"

Matilda's eyes scanned me up and down. "Then are you lying to me?"

"About what?" I look at her confused.

"About Haven's parents being nice and kind. If they are, then why is that porcelain skinned bastard's personality stink?"


"Hello.." A familiar voice interrupted us. Matilda's face become sour as Bryan makes his way towards us. "Good evening, Eight.." Bryan greeted me with a bright smile it almost burned my eyes.

"Good evening, Bryan." I almost sighed in relief upon his arrival. I don't know how I will answer Matilda's question about Haven's personality. I still don't know anything about him at all. Maybe his impulsive actions are connected to his phobia of thunder and lightning. Although it was just my intuition.

"Uhm..Good evening, Matilda.." Bryan reluctantly greeted my friend who now have her eyebrows meeting each other. I want to laugh at her face because I know why she's making it. It's her way to mask what she truly feels. Matilda just grumble under her breath as response to Bryan.

"Would you like to sit here, Bryan?" I offered my seat. Since Matilda sit next to the window, only my seat is next to her. Being the kind friend I am, I want to draw them closer to each other. Also, I think I love to see Matilda break down her walls. Speaking of the woman, she aggressively shot her head towards me with a detested look.

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