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Eightriel's PoV

Haven's change of behavior confuses me. Last time we met he threatened me, saying that I should not expect anything from him since he will never acknowledge me as his bloodmate. However, today's turn of event oppose his first decision. He's like a pregnant woman with mood swings. How should I put it? Is this good or bad?

Probably the latter.

I should not be stirred by his sudden gentle treatment. What if he changed his mind again and continued to shower my life with misery? Worst is what if I actually get attached to him and he crushed my heart like a piece of paper? I am so done with life's trial.

Today I planned to only offer him my umbrella since he looked defeated watching his friends took off, leaving him the only one to wait until the rain stop pouring. I didn't know he will pull me in under one. It caused me to leave Alec behind. I bet him and Beltran are wondering where I am now.

Well, what should I say to them? That I am abducted by my bloodmate? And that his mom is surprisingly welcoming me with warmth? This is very suspicious. Are they plotting something? I hate this feeling of doubt. What if their acts are genuine and here I am suspecting them?

On top of that, why did I let myself in Haven's home? Damn, it's like I toss myself in the lion's den. However, I didn't know that Haven has his weak side too. The incident earlier gave me a chance to witness his vulnerable side. The moment he fell to the ground made my heart skip a beat in a bad way. He looked like an empty vessel without a soul. His eyes are dull and unblinking. I am not aware that it is possible that he also has a battle he's fighting.

In fact, I don't know anything about him. I am under the roof of some stranger. The stranger who hurt me in the past. The stranger who turned out to be the one for me. The stranger who is now twisting my mind and making me confuse about him. Is he just fooling me? Because if he is, I don't want to fall for his tricks and have my heart broken in the end.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Haven's mom come out from the kitchen, holding two cups of coffee. I smiled and thanked her when she offered me one cup. I took it from her hand.

"I would want to sell them for a dollar, ma'am.." I cracked a joke that made the woman chuckle.

She sat down on the chair opposite of mine. I remember meeting her before. It's also raining that day and she harboured no umbrella like her son's situation earlier at school. I happen to pass by and offered her a help. Back then I'm unware that her son is Haven. She looks angelic to have a demon son. And look how fate decided to reunite us.

"Are you cold?" Haven's mother ask, the concern can be seen in her eyes.

Although I do shivers from time to time. I denied it because I don't want to look any more pathetic. "No, ma'am.." I smiled to make the lie more convincing. Blame it to this short I'm wearing! Didn't even reached my knee. I'm guessing this is Haven's short when he was younger.

"You can call me Aunty Thea.."

"Oh..uhmm..o..kay.." I lowered down my head. Taking a sip from the coffee to hide my awkward expression. Admittedly, a heat crawled up to my face thinking that Haven's mother approved of me. Will she look at me the same if she knew I am her son's bloodmate?

Feeling like a fool, I tossed the thought out of my mind. It's not likely to happen anyway since Haven and I will reject each other in the end. Sadness once again successfully evaded my system. The rejection will surely kill me now even more that I get to know his mother and how kind she is. For a moment I wished to be part of her family. However, I am only making a fool of my self. Who am I trying to deceive? That is impossible to happen. Maybe not in this lifetime.

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