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Eightriel's PoV

I want peace. I want to rest my body that is very exhausted. I want to have my freedom. My heart is seeking for a way to get away from my tormenting life. Yet, no matter what I do, I can't seem to have my eternal sleep. To die is the only way I know that will give me total peace but even that I can't achieve. I've never done anything successful in my life. I'm a failure of a son, a failure of a friend. I'm not fit to be a vampire because I am weak. When will I be a person of my own.

Once there was a string that is barely preventing me from doing suicide. But that string had disappeared like a bubble in an instant when I found out that the one destined to be mine is not capable of saving me. Even if we're still not trying, I just know that he is incapable of taking care of me. He can never take me out of the darkness that's keeping me as a prisoner. The darkness that he himself made. How ridiculous this idea is. 

I was so foolish to believe in the bloodmate thing for vampires. It was so dumb of me to think that once I reach the age of 18, I will also reunite with a amazing person who will spin my life 180 degrees. I was so full of hope back when I'm in tender ages because of my parents. In my eyes, my mom and dad are the best example of a perfect couple.

They are the ones who I look up to. I want to experience the same love they have. The love only your other soul can give you. The pure love that will take you to euphoria. Caused by the person who is fated to be yours. Who will accept you for who you are. Who will love you no matter how unstable you are. Who is supposed to be the light that will crush the darkness in your life.

Mom and Dad always tell me how exciting it is to finally meet that person. They really are the best bloodmates I know. Their love is unconditional. Dad never lets anything or anyone to taint their relationship. He always reassured Mom that everything will be okay as long as they have each other. As for Mom, she understands my Dad. She's always there beside him in ups and down. Showing pure care towards the man. And I am the witness and the sole proof of that.

Mom and Dad openly shows their love for each other in public. Causing me to hope that one day I will have a person like either of them. Someone who will accept the mental unstable me. I guess there's no way I will meet my dream person anymore.

I didn't know when I fell asleep or where I did. When I opened my eyes again, I am in a strange place. Strange yet rather familiar. I am under a huge tree, hiding from the sun using the tree's shade. The wind is so strong yet relaxing when it touch your skin.

Oh. I remember. I used to dream of this place a lot back when I'm a kid. It didn't took long when a familiar woman appeared. Carried by the blinding light that most likely to destroy my eyesight. But even if I stared at the light for hours I know it will not harm me. I even feel happy everytime I see it. Because along with it is a enchanting woman.

"I am very disappointed, Eightriel." The woman immediately said after her feet touched the grass field. Her long white dress dancing through the air, making her look even more magical.

My lips formed a smile in an instant. "Hello, mother.."

She stared at me, sadness evident in her eyes. I don't know why this feels so real despite knowing it is only a dream. I've been here before and I know these are just scenes to take me away from reality. I never did mind having this kind of dream. Because everytime I'm here, I feel at peace. Like I have no problems at all.

The woman in front of me opened her arms so that I could jump on her. Which I gladly did. Ever since I fell in to depression, never once did I get to hug my original mother. I feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. I missed her hug but my stupid mind keeps pulling me back from doing what I want. Sigh.

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