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Eightriel's PoV

Two days have passed since that incident in our classroom. I heard that tonight, at exactly twelve in the midnight, Haven's coming of age will be celebrated. I just heard that from a group of girls who are obsessing with him. I have no plans to attend that freaking birthday party, no way in hell. Why would I? I will surely be bullied in there even if my parents are around. Yeah, our family is invited, but as I said, I will not come with them. I'll just stay in our house and mind my own business. Like I should.

I have already invited Matilda to accompany me, even if her family is also invited in that popular celebration, she also refused to go. And she had a hard time pursuing her parents since she's a werewolf, coming up with a excuse that she's sick will not work. Werewolves are immune to illness. That's her disadvantage, actually our disadvantage but my dad and mom are not hard to persuade. I simply said I don't want to go and they understand. I'm glad they are my parents but I'm not proud to be their son. Damn, depression is hitting me again.

Right now I'm walking in the hallway with two loud companies. One is a werewolf and the other is still undefined. I give up on finding out what race he's in, but I'm still cautious about his presence. But Matilda and him are doing so well together and he's also shielding me from bullies. Haven's bullying still hasn't die down. However, I have two hardheaded guards. And I know I'm safe with them around.

"See you two tomorrow, I guess.." I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Alec bid his goodbye.

"See you tomorrow.." Matilda and I both said in unison, only her voice is louder while mine is almost a whisper. Alec ran to a path inside the forest while waving his hands to us. Matilda is also waving aggressively. I just lifted my hand.

After Alec is nowhere to see, Matilda let out a heavy sigh and we continued to walk towards my house. Since the celebration of Haven's birthday will start exactly one hour after the school closed for the day, Matilda wanted to go straight to my house. But then when we were already in front of the said building, she realized she forgot something in her own house. Sigh, this forgetful werewolf!

"What is it that you forgot this time?" I asked uninterested. Why? Because this ain't the first time this happened. She's really a forgetful werewolf.

"The snacks! I thought I already put it in my bag earlier but it isn't here. Damn, stupid Matilda.." I chuckled because she scolded her own self.

"We have plenty of snacks here, Mat. But I can wait for you if you want to go back. It's not like the house will disappear.."

"Right. Right. I'll be back! Hold my bag for me.." she tossed me her bag and I quickly caught it. It almost fell tho because I was taken aback by her sudden movement. What is with this werewolf!? She then transformed into her gray colored animal form that has the same height as me and ran so fast in the woods. I sighed again and went inside our house straight to my room.

In the middle of my room is a coffin, that is where I sleep. But I also have a bed inside, it's not king size but it's spacious and can fit two people. I have it because sometimes I don't want to sleep in my coffin. There's also a couch where Matilda would threw herself on and squeeze her body to fit in the small space! That girl likes to fit her body in narrow spaces because according to her it's comfortable. I don't have a problem with that. As long as she's happy. There's also a flat screen tv inside and a big closet where my clothes are. I have multicolor clothes because not all vampires likes to wear full black. And i am one of those vampires.

Moving on, I turn on the speaker and connect it to my phone. Then turn the volume to it's maximum and play my favorite song. I often do this whenever I'm alone because loud music helps me calm and relax. It's like I'm free from all of my problems. Like a teenage he-vampire I'm supposed to be. I put my music into shuffle mode then when the song that I picked started, I glide to my bed and slumped my body on it. Listening and sometimes singing along the lyrics as well.

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