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According to Matilda, rouges are werewolves that fell into deep depression. They are the werewolves that was succumbed by the darkness. They can never return back to their original self once they did. They are also terrifying and brutal as they lost their sense of thinking. They only know how to kill because their human side is already gone.

Earlier, I met a rouge. But what I witness made me question everything that Matilda told me. The rouge I met is not like that. Or is he not a rouge. The first time I saw it, it clearly shows the characteristics of one. But it suddenly changed. Or was it my doing? But I'm a vampire, what is my business in werewolf world? In addition, the werewolf called me 'my King', what is that supposed to mean?

"P-Please take it easy. You are not in a run. Or maybe you are.." I lowered my voice.

The werewolf shot his head up. He's currently eating as if he did not eat for a long time. Probably he really did not. He has clothes now. I let him into one of my dad's. Hopefully, my old man will not freak out once he saw this man wearing one of his pajamas. I also made this werewolf took a bath and now that he's clean, he's actually good looking but his scars made him look scary.

"I'm sorry, my King. But it is the first time I get to eat again and werewolves like us have a big appetite." He replied in a baritone voice. The way he speak also remind me of a robot.

"Why do you keep calling me 'My King'?"

"Because you are my king. I knew it the moment I see your face. I deeply apologize for hurting you.. " he suddenly knelt down, his head touching the floor. I panicked and pulled him up.

"Please stop that. I'm not a King.." he sat again on the chair which made me sigh in relief.

"Yes you are. You are the King of Werewolves. The descendant of the Moon Goddess..."

Something in his word triggered a memory. My eyes went blurry for a moment before I regained my composure again. I can see the worry this man have in his eyes. I shook the aching in my head away.

"I'm a vampire."

"Yes. It also makes me wonder why you can shift into a bat and not a wolf.." Somehow, in contrary of his scary look, his expressions are cute.

"Because I am a vampire. So please don't call me your king anymore.."


I jumped in shock when he suddenly slammed the table. "No. My king is my king. I will not stop because I know you are my king.." Does his statement even made sense? I apologize but I think he's dumb. I didn't argue with him anymore and just let him eat in peace. But then I remembered that I didn't catch his name.

"By the way, what's your name?" It actually surprise me that I am talkative today. Most of the time I'm just quiet.

The man who has his cheeks full of food look up to me with innocent eyes. I swear if it wasn't for his muscular body and scarred face, he's like a lost child. He gulped down his food before answering. "My name is Beltran Red from the Howling Moon pack. I am once an Alpha but a big group of rouges attack our small pack causing me to lose everyone in my pack. I, their Alpha, am the only one to survive but I went in the stage of heavy grieve. Losing all my members and family took my sanity away. Before I knew it, I'm already turning into a rouge. No matter how hard I tried, I am chained in the back of my wolf's mind. Unable to escape but then I met my king and you managed to turn me back to normal. Truthfully, I have given up because I can't see why I need to move on. I have no family nor friends anymore. But I saw you and I decided to live serving you, my King.. " he finished with a bow.

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