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Haven's POV

Although it may seem that Eightriel and I are going along fine, my eyes didn't miss the way he flinched and jolt from time to time whenever I raised my hand. My heart is being assaulted with guilt and regret. The way his body tremble just being close to me makes me think twice about my decision to claim him as my bloodmate. Am I doing the right choice? Surely not. He look terrified just having me near him. Eightriel just tries so hard to mask his true feelings.

The event tonight made me realize how compatible we really are. I have a really bad temperament. Which makes it hard for me to be cooperative. On contrary, Eightriel is calm and composed. He is also patient. The complete opposite of me. His mindset fits mine. Another reason to add why we were paired up. Moreover, he understands my circumstances which makes my heart warm. However, it also fuel up the guilt lingering in my heart. I have hurt him so much without proper reason.

"Do you want to use it?" The sweet voice pulled me out of trance. Eightriel is not looking at me as he is busy tidying up our table.  He's pertaining to the hair dye we made. The color is Maroon. "I think it would suit you." He mumbles almost to himself.

We're the only ones left in the room because we are the last to finish the potion. Eightriel's friends are already out. The werewolf woman was reluctant to go with Bryan but my friend managed to persuade her although with great difficulty. The other two guys, I don't know where they are nor do I care.

I planned to disagree with his first question but I stopped myself after hearing him whisper his last statement. If he does think that, then it wouldn't hurt to try. The witch said it's going to last for only three days anyway.

"How do you use it?" Eightriel halt from cleaning after hearing my question. He look surprised as if he expected me to say no. His expression soon changed and he elaborated how to use the dye. I let him blabber, his voice entering my ears like a sweet lullaby. I didn't even care about the instructions, I just want to hear him talk. He seems to be enjoying it too. "Do it for me.." was all I heard myself say after his long discussion.

Eightriel sighed. I can guess the thought forming in his mind. His face also says it all. What's the use of asking him how to do it if he's the one who's going to apply the dye in my hair anyway? The answer is because I just want to hear him talk even if it's nonsense. Eightriel and I never really had a proper conversation. Furthermore, I bullied him for a long time. It's utterly ridiculous if he were to talk to me nonchalantly after the torments he experienced from me. As a matter of fact, what's happening now is really beyond believable. I sympathize his forgiving heart. I don't think I'm deserving of his kindness. But I am not willing to give him away either. It will take a lot of blood before he's taken from me.

"Okay." Eightriel agreed as if he doesn't have a choice. Did I forced him? Is my tone commanding? Agh shit. Maybe I should practice being polite and gentle to not scare him anymore. "When?" He inquired as he finished cleaning the table.

"Later. At my house."

Eightriel's body tensed. His expression is conflicted as if he didn't want to go. Unknowingly, I felt anxious. I want him to come to my house. I want to know him more. I want us to grow closer to each other. I want to slowly heal him from the wound that is caused by my own idiocy. I don't care if it takes time. For once in my life, I'm willing to be patient.

"If you don't want to, I can come to your house instead." I gave him another choice. Eightriel whip his head hastily to look at me. Shock is written on his face as if the second option is more outrageous than the first. 

"No. You can't." He said after a moment of silence. My heart sank but I dismissed it. I thought rationally. Maybe his parents are not fond of me because I bullied him before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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