Chapter three (AMERA)

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The day passes in a blur being busy with getting everything organized in my new office and having co-workers pass to welcome me,i didn't even realize the work day had ended until Mr Hawke, came and knock on the door.

"Ready to go?" he asked to me,"yes let me just get my things," as we leave the building, the driver is waiting for us at the curb.

We enter the car taking us to the home i will be staying at, "how was you first day at the office?"


"If there's any problem don't hesitate to ask from my help."

"thank you and i will."

"You met some of the employees? "yes i did couple of them came and introduced themselves to me."

"That was very nice of them"

"they were very friendly,"

"Everyone try to be as interactive with each other as much as possible in the office. They are very noisy and gossipy to so be careful."

"Yes i realize that when Samantha came to same hello."

I meet Samantha early today,

Samantha is very beautiful woman with long blond curls hair, blue eyes,and amazing curves in all the right places.

"What" why can't a woman admire another woman.

she was very talkative and friendly ,she was also very happy and jolly.

When i met her i wonder if there are people that can make themselves happy like that, or is it that life has never been bad to them.

"Oh,we almost there,"Mr Hawke says as i turn and watch as we enter the gate taking us to a beautiful two story house.

He opened the door step out of the car and walks to the front door,as I follow after him.

He takes a set of keys and open the door then hands it over to me.

" This is the keys for the house "

"Thank you"

As he enter and I follow, the inside is very beautiful and it also look like a family home.

"This is the living room," he say as he shows me a room with television, couch,center table,pictures in the wall and little ornaments around the area.

As we enter the other room which is the kitchen, "this is the kitchen" the kitchen is very modernize,it has granite counter top with kitchen equipment and also has a granite island in the Middle with built in Stool.

"I love cooking this is going to be one of my favorite place in the house."

"So you like the kitchen"

"Do you even have to ask"

"Did you wife design this house to?"

"Yes she said a woman spent most of her time in a kitchen so it must be the best room in the house."

"You got a smart wife there" I say to him as I smile and he reply "yes that's true" and smile back at me.

Talking to Mr.Hawke is very easy I don't know if he is this friendly with everyone, but I am glad he is with me because its making my move here lots more easy and comfortable.

I was scared to move here by myself with no one to support me, I have never been on my own so this is a very big step for me but so far things has been good,hoping it stays that way.

"Lets go see the upstairs" he say as he walk up the stairs stopping at the first door.

"There are two guest rooms this one and the next one there."

As we enter the first guest room it has a bed, closet and computer desk.

"The second room is the same."


"And here is the toilet and bath that belongs to the two rooms" he say as he open the door showing toilet,shower and vanity.

"come let me show you the master bedroom" as we enter the bedroom I see a queen size bed walk in closet there's also a two seat couch set with a mini center table right next to the couch is a desk were I can work .

"And here is the bath."

"wow" the bath is huge it has a shower, tub you can soak in, toilet and vanity.

"This is my favorite place in the house"

"Yea you can take a soak in the tub after a long day at work"

"I can carry my laptop and work while I soak"

" Don't fall asleep with you laptop in the tub because you can get electrocuted we now got you, don't want to lose you as yet" he say as he turns and faces me.

I don't know why but as he watches me I feel this strange flush in my body. It's this wired sensation.

I wonder if it's just the heat in the room.

"Everything ok"

"yes" I say as turn away from him going back into the bedroom.

"let me show you which key is for which room"

I give him back the keys, he show me which one is to open which door as we go back through the house arriving to the front door.

"You got everything right" yes I do" if you need anything you have my number and this is my home number you can call if you don't get through with my cellphone." He say as he hands me a card .

"Mr Hawke what you have done to help me I greatly appreciate it you won't understand how much it means to me but right now you are the light in my world that have been full with darkness for so long."

"Maybe one day you will tell me."

"All I could tell you is falling in love was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life one that I will never make again"

"Amera don't give up on love maybe you loved him to much and he didn't love you enough, but trust me when I tell you theirs someone out there that's going to be in love with you that you becomes the beat in their heart and without you they can't breathe"

"I don't think my heart is that strong"

"The heart is the strongest part in your body because don't matter how much it breaks it never stop beating.". he say as he holds my shoulder on both sides looking into my eyes " your heart will take sometime to heal but when it does whoever gets to have it will be the luckiest person out there" he say as he kissed my forehead .

"Have a goodnight see you tomorrow at work and make sure to check all the lock before you go to bed."

"I will goodnight."

He gets in the car sends his window down and wave at me as the driver drive off.

I enter the house starting the next chapter of my life.

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