Chapter Twenty - two ( Amera)

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How is it so easy to fall inlove, yet it's so difficult to stop loving someone, these are the question,I keep asking myself for the past month since ending things with Drew,the pain in my heart is a constant ache that won't go away.

I just want to be with him,to hold him,to have him take me in his arms,to kiss him,the way he takes care of me,for him to make love to me,I miss all these things and him,he said his heart will bleed without me,but my heart is bleeding with him.

But it was the right decision to make, I see what the guilt was doing to him,how the light was going from his eyes,the way he feel about his family, it will destroy him walking away from them ,if he could even walk away from them,I don't want to be responsible for that because eventually that love he has for me will turn to hate when his family, cuts him out of their lives because of our affair, and that's something I can't deal with.

I'm sitting at my desk in my office when I here the knock and the opening of the door as I look up ,Samantha is entering the room.

"Hi you didn't come to lunch?"

"Oh was busy trying to organize the items to line up for sale on the accounts,lost track of time."

"Amera I don't mean to get into you personally live, but are you ok,this past month you look sad and I can't tell you the last time I saw a smile on your face,if you need to talk know you can talk to me right."

"Thank you but I'm good." I say to her as I force a smile on my face.

"You going to Liam's  graduation after party,Layla and a couple of her friends and I are going dress shopping next Saturday, you should come with us."

"Oh thanks but I won't be able to make the graduation party,something came up that weekend and I will be busy." Liam's graduation is a month from now,Layla came and invited me, but I can't attend that party and look at the happy and loving couple it will tear me apart.

"You got a hot date or something?" She say as she smirks at me."

"Nothing like that,one of my cousins anniversary is that night and they are celebrating their twenty years together, it's a grand celebration and it will be live to the family so I got to join in the party even it just to watch online."

"Oh twenty years that a long time,Mr.Hawke and Layla will be celebrating their twenty years in a couple of months as well." Telling me and pushing the knife a little deeper into my heart.

I just smile at her because, what do I say to that.

"Well then it's look like I'm going to be accompanying, Jason again for Liam's big night."

"Are you and Mr.Holding seeing each other?"

She bust out laughing,"No god no ,we are friends besides, I think he has a thing for Layla."


"You know certain people  has the one that got away,well I think she is his one that got away for him."

"But wasn't he married to his high school sweetheart,and Layla and her was friends."

"Best friends actually, they did everything together, and Masha was the most beautiful, kind,caring person she was an angel,but she once confide to be that she believes he was inlove with Layla,said he always had this way of looking at her and he was different with her,I even watch him at a time when he was around her,and he looked at her like a person who's inlove with someone but the person can never belong to him."

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