Chapter thirteen (Amera)

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"I'm inlove with him Timmy and I don't know what to do anymore, I can't keep being friends with him because it pains to much,but when I stay away from him it pains even more."

I  now took a shower and relaxing after today work,but I just can't get Drew out of my head and heart and I needed to talk to someone, so it's in my nature to go to Timmy because he is my friend,but also he don't judge and he always hits you with the hard truth even if you don't want to hear it.

"Well it has to pain to be love if it doesn't pain it not love,but Amera he's married Amera,how do you see the outcome of this, its going to be messy and lots of people will get hurt,some of those are his kids,do you want to be know as that person who broke up a family taking away another's woman husband from her?"

"Of course not,beside he loves his wife more than anything, he will never leave her for me,I don't think I will be able to take that kind of criticism, from everyone, they will hate me."

"Maybe you should end your friendship with him,and just keep it professional, it will be the easier and  right thing to do."

"Maybe you are right? I never thought I will fall inlove again with what I went through with Krish,but he is such an incredible person you can't help but to fall inlove with him,he's so good to me,he makes me laugh like I never laugh before ,he take care of me in so many ways,and we are not even together, and he is not mines to have,why is love so complicated, why couldn't I go out there and meet a normal guy in a coffee shop or something."

"it will be kind of hard for you to meet a guy in a coffee shop,because you don't drink coffee." He says as he laughs.

"Yes that true."

"Ok sweetheart I got to go Sameera has a project for school and she's waiting on me."

"Ok don't blow up anything."

"Hi that was one time only, anyways bye love you anything call me ok."

"Yes I will love you too, bye."

The night is spent turning and twisting,trying to decide what to do, should I end my friendship with Drew and lose him in  my life or continue with the friendship and keep him in my life even if only friends I will still have him in some way right.

I contemplate these thoughts in my mind as I enter my office and begins the days work,it's about twelve fifteen when I check the time,and I realize he haven't come to see if I'm going to lunch or if we are eating in my office,taking the papers he has to pick up from here I head to his office knocking and entering coming to a stop blocking my eyes,because layla is sitting on top of his lap she has on some type of sexy lingerie and it looks like they're having sex.

"Sorry" I say to them as I turn and run out the room trying to reach my office before the tears starts falling,as I enter my office my feet give out on me, making me slide down the door hitting the ground  putting a hand over my mouth to muffled the sound of my heart breaking into a million pieces, it feels like someone has put a bullet  in it.

As I starts to hyperventilate, I pick myself up take my workbag go into the bathroom and take my medication, looking at myself in the mirror, I know I brought this to myself, this is what I was afraid of,she have all rights over him,she is his wife,he belongs to her,it's time  I realize no good can come from me loving him,I need to end this so call friendship and it needs to happen today.

After calming myself I wash my face fix my hair and head  back at my desk.just as I hear a knock and Layla appears.

"Hi can I come in."

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