Thirty Eight (Drew)

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I'm done,I can't, I just can't, walking down the stairs, Timmy is staring at me,I don't even stop to speak to him I just keep on moving to the door,heading out with Rihanna calling me.


"Drew,wait?"Stopping at my car I turn facing her.

" She doesn't mean it"

"I tried everything I have been waiting for her to come to me,but instead she doesn't pay me any attention, yet she is fooling around with your brother."

"Nothing is going on with them."

"O yea! It didn't look like nothing when I went upstairs a little while ago."

"Richard is not inlove  with Amera,he can't notice anyone but Meera,Meera is the love of his life."

"Look give her sometime to heal she is hurt and she need an outlet to vent and she is using you as it right now."

"She is blaming me for something I'm not responsible for,it was her husband who almost murdered her, it was her husband, who killed my baby,and she doesn't even realize I lost a baby too it was my baby too."

"You blame her?"

"No I..."

'Maybe you two should take sometime away from each other and sort out you feeling,because right now there is to much of animosity between you two and you can't have a relationship if in the hard time you can't resolve it together."

'I love her."

"You can't build a relationship on love alone, you need trust, understanding, and partnership,if you can't be with each other, when dealing with problems, how are your relationship going to survive."

"Take some time to sort yourself, and when you're hers and only hers  come back to her,and let her,heal on her own,let her miss you,let her need you,and let her want you,give her the time to realize you is her forever."

"Love is beautiful but you have to handle it delicately, if you don't and it breaks its very hard to pick up the pieces, and she is broken beyond repair, she has lost faith in love and everything, she is scared,she needs to repair her heart first."

"But by me not being there wouldn't she think I left her,and I don't want to be with her,wouldn't she take longer to heal?"

"No Drew she need to fix her first,then her heart,and she need time to be able to move on from everything then start fresh,"

"Let her go for now, so you can have her  forever."

I don't want to loss her,she is my heart and soul,my every heart beat,beat for her,but does she need time,I'm really blaming her,what Rihanna is saying is everything the truth, but she is right if we can't sort out our problem together, how are we to have a relationship for life together,maybe I do need time to sort out myself and end my marriage, I mean I file for divorce already, but until we don't sign the paper I'm still married.

"I need to go,tomorrow is her doctor appointment, make sure she's doesn't miss it."

"I wouldn't."
Getting in my car,I drive off,taking the direction of my home,I need to see my princess, she always makes me feel better,I haven't been staying at the house,I haven't went back since the trip,I have been staying at one of the other houses the company own.

Parking my vehicle, I enter the house,stopping shell shock, because in my living room,both my wife and my best friend is lip lock,they don't even realize I am there.

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