Chapter Seven (Drew)

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Amera did exceptionally well at work during the week, I was really surprised at how fast she became adapted with everything ,and how friendly she was with everyone.

She actually came on Friday off  her own to lunch, I was surprised and happy to see her.

I didn't know about her anxiety, and when she told me it really hit me how fragile she is, and I don't know, but that got to me.

The company didn't just she bring her here, a lot of thing happened for her to be here, on her own.

After six months of her working with us, were amazed at the intelligence she had for business so we offered her and her husband a place at the company.

Not knowing at the time, her husband was a well renowned business contractor with the government of her country, and he's very talented at his job making him a highly recommended person in his  business.

When we offered her the job, she told us she won't be able to accept the offer.

I got a call from her friend Timmy,who told me about her husband business he also told me, that he was very abusive to her, he didn't went in details about it, but he told me that he wanted a better life for her.

I asked him why she just didn't leave her husband,and he told me she couldn't because her husband told her anytime she left him he will kill her and he almost did it twice.

Timmy asked me to help him in persuading her into moving out of the country .

I continue to asked her and Timmy try on his side and eventually she agreed.

Timmy did everything by getting the tickets to getting  everything organized on that end, and I set up everything here to receive her on this end and that's how she came to be here.

That's why I'm so friendly and caring to her, and I feel very protective of her, every time I see her work or talk to her I asked myself how can someone  hurt a person so sweet and amazing.

Now the weekend is finally over and I am glad to get some free time.

It's Saturday and me and my son is in my car heading to our Saturday routine gym and then lunch.

"when is football practice starting up bud"

Its the off seasons but they usually start practice back around  this time so to get a heads up for the season.

"Coach said next month"

"You excited its going to be your last season in high school"

Liam will be going to college next year, this is his last season playing ball.

"Yea excited a little sad to, you know it being my last."

"I told you if you want to play at college or head for pro you can."

I Told him many times he can do whatever make him happy it doesn't have to be in the business,the business is always going to be his legacy,but dreams only happen once in a lifetime when you lost it, you don't get it back.

"Dad I told you I like it in school and enjoy the attention playing but it's not something I want from the future."

"you enjoy the girls."

"Dad" he said as he blush.

"Hi there's nothing wrong wanting the female attention.'

" Yea mom said you had the whole female attention when you were in high school."

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